Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


Projects coordination by a member of Dracula

  • ANR (jeunes chercheurs) ProCell "Mathematical Methods for Erythropoiesis Modelling: from Proteins to Cell Populations", 2009-2013.

    Participants : Samuel Bernard, Fabien Crauste [Coordinator] , Olivier Gandrillon, Laurent Pujo-Menjouet, Vitaly Volpert.

  • ANR (jeunes chercheurs) MADCOW "Modelling amyloid dynamics and computation output work: applications to Prion and Alzheimer's disease", 2008-2013.

    Participants : Samuel Bernard, Fabien Crauste, Laurent Pujo-Menjouet [Coordinator] , Vitaly Volpert.

  • ANR BIMOD "Hybrid models of cell populations. Application to cancer modelling and treatment", 2010-2014.

    Participants : Mostafa Adimy, Fabien Crauste, Vitaly Volpert [Coordinator] .

  • ANR STOCHAGENE "Role of the chromatin dynamics on the stochasticity in gene expression in higher eukaryotic cells", 2011-2015.

    Participant : Olivier Gandrillon [Coordinator] .

Collaboration in other projects

  • ANR RPIB PrediVac "Innovative modeling tools for the prediction of CD8 T cell based vaccine efficacy", 2013-2015. Partners: U1111 Inserm (J. Marvel, coordinator), Dracula, Altrabio (small company), CoSMo (small company). For Dracula, the budget in 2013 is 88 keuros, including two one-year post-doc positions, recruited in February (Floriane Lignet) and in April (Sotiris Prokopiou).

  • Thomas Lepoutre participates in the ANR (jeunes chercheurs) MODPOL (head Vincent Calvez (ENS Lyon)) "Cell polarization modeling", 2011-2015.

  • Thomas Lepoutre is a member of the ANR KIBORD (head L. Desvillettes) dedicated to "kinetic and related models in biology". 2012-2016.

  • Olivier Gandrillon participates in the ANR (Investissement d'Avenir) Iceberg (head Gregory Batt (Inria)) "From population models to model populations: single cell observation, modeling, and control of gene expression".