Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

The year 2013 was marked by the following events:

  • The edition of 4 volumes of the journal MMNP (Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena) on the following topics: Harmonic analysis; Anomalous diffusion; Front Propagation; Plant growth modelling (see http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=MNP ).

  • The co-organization of a monthly seminar (INRIabcd, every last friday), jointly with Inria team BEAGLE, and the organization of a seminar on biomathematics (on thursday, twice a month) (see archives : http://dracula.univ-lyon1.fr/news_old.php ).

  • The organization of the Semovi seminar (http://www.biosyl.org/news/semovi ). Two editions (March and October) in 2013, Olivier Gandrillon.

  • Thematic program: Mathematical Biology

    Our team has been the co-organizer of a thematic program on "Mathematical Biology", in Lyon (France) from March 4th to June 14th (3 months), 2013:


    These activities are funded in part by the "Laboratoire d'Excellence", labex MILYON an initiative from the French ministry of research.

    The main topics of this program are: Cell biology, population dynamics, quantitative modeling for drug development, systems biology, and evolutionary biology.

    The highlights of the program are:

    - Systems Biology Approach to Infectious Processes, Lyon (France), May 13-15 (part of the thematic program Mathematical Biology), Fabien Crauste, Olivier Gandrillon.

    - ESMTB-EMS Summer school "Multiscale modeling in the life sciences", Lyon (France), May 27-31 (part of the thematic program Mathematical Biology), Thomas Lepoutre, Vitaly Volpert.

    - Conference in honour of Michael Mackey's 70th birthday, Lyon (France), June 3-6 (part of the thematic program Mathematical Biology), Samuel Bernard, Fabien Crauste, Laurent Pujo-Menjouet.