Section: Dissemination
Jacques-Henri Jourdan and Arthur Charguéraud participated in the organization of the Castor computer science contest ( ). This contest aims at making computer science more popular in French high schools and junior high schools. It attracted over 170,000 participants.
Fabrice Le Fessant is one of the organizers of the OCaml meetup in Paris. Four events were organized in 2013, each featuring four short presentations on topics related to OCaml. Each event was attended by about 60 participants.
Xavier Leroy gave a tutorial on using theorem provers in programming language research at the 2013 ACM SIGPLAN Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop, which was attended by about 80 undergraduate, graduate and post-doctoral students.
Since 2012, the Gallium team publishes a research blog at , edited by Gabriel Scherer. This blog continued its activity in 2013, with 26 posts by 12 different authors. It covered various changes in the OCaml language, announced small software libraries from members of the team, and discussed Gallium's research, notably the Mezzo language.