Section: New Results

Combining Local and Non-Local Priors For Image Deconvolution

Participants : Hicham Badri [correspondant], Hussein Yahia.

Non-blind deconvolution consists in recovering a sharp latent image from a blurred image with a known kernel. Deconvolved images usually contain unpleasant artifacts due to the ill-posedness of the problem even when the kernel is known. Making use of natural sparse priors has shown to reduce ringing artifacts but handling noise remains limited. On the other hand, non-local priors have shown to give the best results in image denoising. We propose in this project to combine both local and non-local priors in one framework. By studying the distribution of the singularity exponents as well as the distribution of the eigenvalues of similar patches, we show that the blur increases the self-similarity within an image and thus makes the non-local prior a good choice for denoising blurred images. The blurred image is denoised using only the self-similarties within the image, without any prior specific to the blur, via low rank estimation. However, denoising introduces outliers which are not Gaussian and should be well modeled. Experiments show that our method produces a much better image reconstruction both visually and empirically compared to some popular methods. See figure 7 .

Work in progress.

Figure 7. Various deconvolution results. The proposed method produces a much better reconstruction ; note the background noise in the methods (b) and (c). The PSNR is higher with our method 29.56 dB compared to the methods (b) 27.22 dB and (c) 28.11 dB.
IMG/blurry.png IMG/krishnan.png IMG/levin.png IMG/moi.png