Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
Regional Initiatives
ISN-Privacy. From late 2012 through the year 2013, Daniel Augot was heavily involved in the preparation of the Institut de la société du numérique (Digital Society Institute) proposal within IDEX Paris-Saclay. Led by N. Boujemaa, this proposal aims to be a catalyst for interdisciplinary research (involving computer scientists and researchers from the humanities) on societal challenges inherent to eLife/life digitization. The proposal has initial funding from the IDEX, and will hopefully be self-funding within three years. Two kick-off projects were defined: joint human & machine interaction, and privacy and digital identity.
Daniel Augot engaged in monthly brainstorming meetings with researchers from Inria Paris–Rocquencourt (project-team SMIS), Université Jean Monnet's ADIS and CERDI labs (Alain Rallet, Alexandra Bensamoun), and Télécom ParisTech (Claire Levallois-Barth). Topics under discussion include terms of service of various cloud storage providers, SMIS's TrustedCell secure token initiative for helding private and secure personnal data, privacy leaks, and measurements on smartphones.
A seminar will be held in Summer 2014. Within IDEX Paris-Saclay, the PAIP (Pour une Approche Interdisciplinaire de la Privacy) project was proposed and accepted in September 2013, with a small budget (30 keuros) for all the partners of the privacy group.