Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
CATREL (accepted June 2012, Kickoff December 14, 2012, Starting January 1st, 2013): “Cribles: Améliorations Théoriques et Résolution Effective du Logarithme” (Sieve Algorithms: Theoretical Advances and Effective Resolution of the Discrete Logarithm Problem). This project aims to make effective “attacks” on reduced-size instances of the discrete logarithm problem (DLP). It is a key ingredient for the assessment of the security of cryptosystems relying on the hardness of the DLP in finite fields, and for deciding on relevant key sizes.
DIFMAT: this two-year project aims to find matrices with good diffusion over small finite fields. These matrices are used in block ciphers and hash functions; coding theory helps to build and analyse them. Guillaume Quintin was hired as a postdoctoral researcher using this funding.
Daniel Augot is co-advising Gwezheneg Robert with Pierre Loidreau (DGA, Rennes University).
PEPS ICQ (Projet Exploratoire de Premier Soutien - Information et Communication Quantique)
ToCQ is a one-year project exploring the connections between algebraic topology, combinatorics, and Low Density Parity Check Quantum Codes. Alain Couvreur and Nicolas Delfosse are members of this project. The other partners are Inria Paris–Rocquencourt, Université Bordeaux I and Aix–Marseille Université.