Section: Application Domains
Within this field we have investigated two different agronomy scenarios: (1) choosing between two different kinds of flour in function of their nutritional, economic, health and other factors and (2) packaging conception. The second scenario is part of a larger decision support system implemented within the EU FP7 project EcoBioCap (see Section 8.2 ).
Both scenarios rely upon different criteria which bring conflicting information for decision making. The aim is then twofold. First properly model the knowledge using facts, rules and negative constraints. Then, in a second step, in the possibly inconsistent knowledge base thus obtained, select maximally consistent subsets that will be used for decision making. We have chosen to use argumentation in this context (of reasoning in the presence of inconsistency) due to the fact that we aim to investigate, in the future, the explanation power of argumentation approaches (very useful in this context where the domain experts are not computer scientists).