Section: Dissemination
Scientific Animation
Thierry Colin is elected as a member of the national committee of the French Universities (CNU). It is a national structure that has in charge a peer review of the carriers of mathematicians in France.
Charles-Henri Bruneau is member of the executive board of the international conferences on CFD. Selection of the 270 abstracts received for the next conference in China july 2014.
Angelo Iollo has managed the national ANR research project Carpeinter.
C. Poignard gave a talk at Lycée Montaigne in december 2013 on the modeling of electroporation.
Lisl Weynans has participated to organize the YIC (2nd ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference), Bordeaux 2-6 September 2013.
Olivier Saut is the head of the GDR Metice (Mathématiques appliquées aux espéces, tissus et cellules).