Section: Application Domains
Multi-fluid flows
computation of bifluid flows : see the thesis of S. Tancogne ( [78] ) and P. Vigneaux ([81] ). Stability of an interface, shape of droplets, formation of a jet. Study of the Plateau-Rayleigh instability. Behaviour of diphasic fluids evolving in square microchannels.
mixing in micro-channel : see the thesis of J. Dambrine [62] . Passive mixing strategies involving boundary conditions. Enhanced oil recovery (study of mixing oil-water-polymer in a microchannel).
emulsions and foam : see the thesis of S. Benito [47] . Applications in biology : behaviour of tissues, of tumor,....
polymer nanotube conglomerate wire : it was the subject of a talk in the following conference "WCCM8-ECCOMAS2008" and of the talk [60] .