Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

  • mistis is involved in three regional initiatives: PEPS (funded by CNRS and the PRES of Grenoble), AGIR (funded by Université Grenoble 1 and Grenoble-INP) and the MOTU project (funded by UPMF). The first two projects focus on the modelling of the extreme risk and its application in social science. The partners include the LTHE (Laboratoire d'étude des Transferts en Hydrologie et Environnement) and the 3S-R lab (Sols, Solides, Structures - Risques). The third project focuses on the use of statistical techniques for transportation data analysis and involves the GAEL laboratory (Grenoble Applied Economics Laboratory).

  • mistis participates in the weekly statistical seminar of Grenoble. Jean-Baptiste Durand is in charge of the organization and several lecturers have been invited in this context.

  • S. Girard is at the head of the probability and statistics department of the LJK since september 2012.