Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

Competitivity Clusters

mistis was a partner in a three-year MINALOGIC project (I-VP for Intuitive Vision Programming) supported by the French Government. The project was led by VI Technology (http://www.vitechnology.com ), a world leader in Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) of a broad range of electronic components. The other partners involved were the CMM (Centre de Morphologie Mathématiques) in Fontainebleau, and Pige Electronique in Bourg-Les-Valence. The overall goal was to exploit statistical and image processing techniques more intensively to improve defect detection capability and programming time based on existing AOI principles so as to eventually reach a reliable defect detection with virtually zero programming skills and efforts. The final review of this project was held in March 2013 with live demos of our tools at VIT.

Inria project HEROES

The 2-year Inria ARC project AINSI (2011-12) coordinated by F. Forbes (http://thalie.ujf-grenoble.fr/ainsi ) was followed with the same partners by a project entitled HEROES. HEROES stands for "HEmodynamics-infoRmed atlas of brain functiOnal and vascular territoriES from multimodal MR images". The goal, based on ASL and BOLD fMRI and advanced models, is to 1) provide individual brain maps of hemodynamic characteristics useful as biomarkers and 2) extend the use of functional MRI (BOLD or ASL) in the clinic through an improved characterization of the impact of vascular alterations under pathological conditions. The partners involved are Visages and Panama teams from Inria in Rennes and Parietal in Saclay, the INSERM Unit U594 (Grenoble Institute of Neuroscience) and CEA NeuroSpin.