Section: Software and Platforms

Software packages


Lucy Viewer http://4drepository.inrialpes.fr/lucy_viewer/ is an interactive viewing software for 4D models, i.e, dynamic three-dimensional scenes that evolve over time. Each 4D model is a sequence of meshes with associated texture information, in terms of images captured from multiple cameras at each frame. Such data is available from various websites over the world including the 4D repository website hosted by Inria Grenoble http://4drepository.inrialpes.fr/ . The software was developed in the context of the European project iGlance, it is available as an open source software under the GNU LGP Licence.


Ethomice http://morpheo.inrialpes.fr/people/reveret/ethomice/ is a motion analysis software to characterize motor behavior of small vertebrates such as mice or rats. From a multiple views video input, a biomechanical model of the skeleton is registered. Study on animal model is the first important step in Biology and Clinical research. In this context, the analysis of the neuro-motor behaviour is a frequent cue to test the effect of a gene or a drug. Ethomice is a platform for simulation and analysis of the small laboratory animal, such as rat or mouse. This platform links the internal skeletal structure with 3D measurements of the external appearance of the animal under study. From a stream of multiple views video, the platform aims at delivering a three dimensional analysis of the body posture and the behaviour of the animal. The software was developed by Lionel Reveret and Estelle Duveau. An official APP repository has been issued this year.