Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
Motion analysis of laboratory rodents
In order to evaluate the scalabililty of previous work on motion analysis of laboratory rodents, a collaboration has been initiated with the Institut Clinique de la Souris (ICS), in Institut de Génétique et de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire (IGBMC). This institute is dedicated to phenotypying of mice and requires reliable motion analysis tools. A multicamera plateform has been deployed at ICS and will be exploited next year for tests ranging from one to two hundreds mice.
ANR project Morpho – Analysis of Human Shapes and Motions
Morpho is aimed at designing new technologies for the measure and for the analysis of dynamic surface evolutions using visual data. Optical systems and digital cameras provide a simple and non invasive mean to observe shapes that evolve and deform and we propose to study the associated computing tools that allow for the combined analysis of shapes and motions. Typical examples include the estimation of mean shapes given a set of 3D models or the identification of abnormal deformations of a shape given its typical evolutions. Therefore this does not only include static shape models but also the way they deform with respect to typical motions. It brings a new research area on how motions relate to shapes where the relationships can be represented through various models that include traditional underlying structures, such as parametric shape models, but are not limited to them. The interest arises in several application domains where temporal surface deformations need to be captured and analyzed. It includes human body analyses but also extends to other deforming objects, sails for instance. Potential applications with human bodies are anyway numerous and important, from the identification of pathologies to the design of new prostheses. The project focus is therefore on human body shapes and their motions and on how to characterize them through new biometric models for analysis purposes. 3 academic partners will collaborate on this project: the Inria Rhône-Alpes with the Morpheo team, the GIPSA-lab Grenoble and the Inria Lorraine with the Alice team. Website: .
Competitivity Clusters
FUI project Creamove
Creamove is a collaboration between the Morpheo team of the Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes, the 4D View Solution company specialised in multi-camera acquisition systems, the SIP company specialised in multi-media and interactive applications and a choreographer. The objective is to develop new interactive and artistic applications where humans can interact in 3D with virtual characters built from real videos. Dancer performances will be pre-recorded in 3D and used on-line to design new movement sequences based on inputs coming from human bodies captured in real time.