Section: Software and Platforms
Integration platform for multidiscipline optimization applications
Participants : Toan Nguyen, Laurentiu Trifan.
A prototype software integration platform is developed and tested for multidiscipline optimization applications. It is based on a workflow management system called YAWL ( ). The goal is to design, develop and assess high-performance distributed scientific workflows featuring resilience, i.e., fault-tolerance and exception-handling capabilities. The platform is used to experiment new resilience algorithms, including monitoring and management of application-level errors. Errors include time-outs and out of bounds data values. They can be added and modified by the users. The platform is tested against use-cases provided by the industry partners in the OMD2 project supported by the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche. For example, an optimization of a car air-conditioning pipe was implemented and deployed on the Grid5000 infrastructure. It also takes into account run-time errors related to resource consumption, e.g., memory overflow, to automatically and dynamically relocate the appplications tasks involved on the various clusters. This work was Laurentiu Trifan's PhD thesis, defended in October 2013 [37] . (See Fig. 1 .)