Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Gael Varoquaux
    • Stat Course cogmaster (3 × 3H)

    • Python course Inria Rocquencourt et Rennes: 8Hrs each time

    • Optimization tutoral at Euroscipy: 2H

    • Scikit-learn tutorial at Scipy: 4H

    • Functional connectivity course at OHBM: 30mn, ISMRM 30mn

  • Bertrand Thirion
    • Master MVA, Imagerie fonctionnelle cérébrale et interface cerveau machine, 12h + 3h, M2, ENS Cachan, France.


  • PhD : Solveig Badillo, Study of hemodynamic variability in sane adults and children in fMRI, Paris XI, 18/11/2013, supervised by Philippe Ciuciu

  • PhD : Virgile Fritsch, High-dimensional statistical methods for inter-subject neuroimaging studies, Paris XI, 18/12/2013, supervised by J.-B. Poline and B. Thirion


  • B. Thirion was reviewer for the PhD thesis of A.C. Philippe (Inria Sophia-Antipolis); the defense took place at Sophia-Antipolis on Dec. 19th, 2013.

  • G. Varoquaux was examinator for the PhD defense of Katerina Gkirtzou at Centrale Paris, in Dec. 2013.

  • P.Ciuciu took part to three PhD committees in 2013, one as reviewer (F. Karahonuglu, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland).