Section: Dissemination

Invited Presentations

James Crowley

  • James Crowley, Socially Intelligent Human Computer Interaction, Journée Interaction Homme-Machine et Intelligence Artificielle, Paris, 28 March 2013.

  • James Crowley, Table ronde “Robotique intelligente et compétitivité des PME”, InnoRobot, Lyon, 19 Mars 2013.

Thierry Fraichard

  • Will the driver seat ever be empty?, Technion, Haifa (IL), April 2013.

  • Will the driver seat ever be empty?, Tel Aviv University (IL), June 2013.

  • Will the driver seat ever be empty?, Ariel University (IL), June 2013.

  • Will the driver seat ever be empty?, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan (IL), Oct. 2013.

Dominique Vaufreydaz

  • Multimodal perception, activity recognition and companion robots, MICA laboratory, Hanoi (Vietnam), June 2013.

  • Invited speaker at “L'Homme 2.0 et son environnement – Entre rejet et fascination”, an inter-professional meeting (entrepreneurs, researchers, artists, associative and institutional actors), Université de Lyon, December 2013.