Section: Dissemination
Thierry Fraichard gave three lectures on Robotics to highschool students and teachers in the scope of the “Informatique au lycée” initiative, April and May 2013.
Dominique Vaufreydaz gave two lectures on perception and companion robot to highschool students and teachers in the scope of the “Informatique au lycée” initiative, April and May 2013.
Dominique Vaufreydaz gave seminars entitled “Perception, reconnaissance d'activités et robots compagnons.”, Fêtes de la Science, at Inria Grenoble, Monbonnot, October 2013.
The first version of the AppsGate integration platform was demonstrated to the public as part of the Experimenta Fair ( ) in Grenoble, from 10 to 13 of October 2013.