Section: Software and Platforms
Participants : Masoud Saeida Ardekani, Marc Shapiro [correspondent] .
A large family of distributed transactional protocols have a common structure, called Deferred Update Replication (DUR). DUR provides dependability by replicating data, and performance by not re-executing transactions but only applying their updates. Protocols of the DUR family differ only in behaviors of few generic functions. Based on this insight, we offer a generic DUR framework, called Jessy, along with a library of finely-optimized plug-in implementations of the required behaviors. Our empirical study shows that:
The framework provides a fair, apples-to-apples comparison between transactional protocols;
By replacing plugs-ins, developers can use Jessy to understand bottlenecks in their protocols;
This in turn enables the improvement of existing protocols; and
Given a protocol, Jessy allows to evaluate the cost of ensuring various degrees of dependability.
Articles related to Jessy were published in an Inria research report [60] , in the Symp. on Reliable Distr. Sys. (SRDS) [43] and in the Euro-Par conference [42] Jessy is supported by a UPMC PhD scholarship to Masoud Saeida Ardekani, and by the ConcoRDanT ANR project (Section 8.1.6 ).
Jessy is freely available on github under under an Apache license.