Section: New Results
Management of distributed data
Participants : Pierpaolo Cincilla, Guthemberg Da Silva Silvestre, Raluca Diaconu, Jonathan Lejeune, Mesaac Makpangou, Olivier Marin, Sébastien Monnet, Dang Nhan Nguyen, Burcu Külahçioglu Özkan, Karine Pires, Masoud Saeida Ardekani, Thomas Preud'Homme, Pierre Sens, Marc Shapiro, Véronique Simon, Julien Sopena, Gaël Thomas, Mathieu Valero, Mudit Verma, Marek Zawirski.
Storing and sharing information is one of the major reasons for the use of large-scale distributed computer systems. Replicating data at multiple locations ensures that the information persists despite the occurrence of faults, and improves application performance by bringing data close to its point of use, enabling parallel reads, and balancing load. This raises numerous issues:
where to store or replicate the data, in order to ensure that it is available quickly and remains persistent despite failures and disconnections;
how many copies are needed to face dynamically-changing demand (load) and offer (elasticity);
how to parallelize writes and hence how to ensure consistency between replicas;
tradeoffs between synchronised, consistent but slow updates, and fast but weakly-consistent ones;
when and how to move data to computation, or computation to data, in order to improve response time while minimizing storage or energy usage;
Long term durability
To tolerate failures, distributed storage systems replicate data. However, despite the replication, pieces of data may be lost (i.e. all the copies are lost). We have previously proposed a mechanism, RelaxDHT, to make distributed hash tables (DHT) resilient to high churn rates.
Well sized systems rarely loose data, still, data may be lost: the more the time passes, the greater is the risk of loss. It is thus necessary to study data durability on a long term. To do so, we have implemented an efficient simulator, we can simulate a 100 node system over years within several hours. We have observe that a given system with a given replication mechanism can store a certain amount of data above which the loss rate would be greater than an “acceptable”/fixed threshold. This amount of data can be used as a metric to compare replication strategies. We have studied the impact of the data distribution layout upon the loss rate. The way the replication mechanism distribute the data copies among the nodes has a great impact. If node contents are very correlated, the number of available sources to heal a failure is low. On the opposite, if the data copies are shuffled among the nodes, many source nodes may be available to heal the system, and thus, the system losses less pieces of data. We are also studying the impact of other parameters, like the replication degree or the way a new storer node is chosen.
Adaptative replication
Different pieces of data have different popularity: some data are stored but never accessed while other pieces are very “hot” and are requested concurrently by many clients. This implies that different pieces of data with different popularity should have a different number of copies to efficiently serve the requests without wasting resources. Furthermore, for a given piece of data, the popularity may vary drastically among time. It is thus important that the replication mechanism dynamically adapt the number of replicas to the demand. In the context of the ODISEA2 FUI project, we have made two main contributions. First, we have studied the popularity distribution and evolution of live video streams (Karine Pires thesis). Second, we have designed replication mechanisms able to gracefully adapt the replication degree to the demand, one based on bandwidth reservation, and one using statistical learning (Guthemberg Silvestre thesis).
Strong consistency
When data is updated somewhere on the network, it may become inconsistent with data elsewhere, especially in the presence of concurrent updates, network failures, and hardware or software crashes. A primitive such as consensus (or equivalently, total-order broadcast) synchronises all the network nodes, ensuring that they all observe the same updates in the same order, thus ensuring strong consistency. However the latency of consensus is very large in wide-area networks, directly impacting the response time of every update. Our contributions consist mainly of leveraging application-specific knowledge to decrease the amount of synchronisation.
To reduce the latency of consensus, we study Generalised Consensus algorithms, i.e., ones that leverage the commutativity of operations or the spontaneous ordering of messages by the network. We propose a novel protocol for generalised consensus that is optimal, both in message complexity and in faults tolerated, and that switches optimally between its fast path (which avoids ordering commuting requests) and its classical path (which generates a total order). Experimental evaluation shows that our algorithm is much more efficient and scales better than competing protocols.
When a database is very large, it pays off to replicate only a subset at any given node; this is known as partial replication. This allows non-overlapping transactions to proceed in parallel at different locations and decreases the overall network traffic. However, this makes it much harder to maintain consistency. We designed and implemented two genuine consensus protocols for partial replication, i.e., ones in which only relevant replicas participate in the commit of a transaction.
Another research direction leverages isolation levels, particularly Snapshot Isolation (SI), in order to parallelize non-conflicting transactions on databases. We prove a novel impossibility result: under standard assumptions (data store accesses are not known in advance, and transactions may access arbitrary objects in the data store), it is impossible to have both SI and GPR. Our impossibility result is based on a novel decomposition of SI which proves that, like serializability, SI is expressible on plain histories. These results are published at the Euro-Par conference [42] .
We designed an efficient protocol that maintains side-steps this impossibility but maintains the most important features of SI:
(Genuine Partial Replication) only replicas updated by a transaction
make steps to execute ; -
(Wait-Free Queries) a read-only transaction never waits for concurrent transactions and always commits;
(Minimal Commit Synchronization) two transactions synchronize with each other only if their writes conflict.
The protocol also ensures Forward Freshness, i.e., that a transaction may read object versions committed after it started.
Non-Monotonic Snapshot Isolation (NMSI) is the first strong consistency criterion to allow implementations with all four properties. We also present a practical implementation of NMSI called Jessy, which we compare experimentally against a number of well-known criteria. Our measurements show that the latency and throughput of NMSI are comparable to the weakest criterion, read-committed, and between two to fourteen times faster than well-known strong consistencies. This was published in the Symp. on Reliable Distr. Sys. (SRDS) [43] .
Distributed Transaction Scheduling
Parallel transactions in distributed DBs incur high overhead for concurrency control and aborts. Our Gargamel system proposes an alternative approach by pre-serializing possibly conflicting transactions, and parallelizing non-conflicting update transactions to different replicas. This system provides strong transactional guarantees. In effect, Gargamel partitions the database dynamically according to the update workload. Each database replica runs sequentially, at full bandwidth; mutual synchronisation between replicas remains minimal. Our simulations show that Gargamel improves both response time and load by an order of magnitude when contention is high (highly loaded system with bounded resources), and that otherwise slow-down is negligible.
Our current experiments aim to compare the practical pros and cons of different approaches to designing large-scale replicated databases, by implementing and benchmarking a number of different protocols.
Eventual consistency
Eventual Consistency (EC) aims to minimize synchronisation, by weakening the consistency model. The idea is to allow updates at different nodes to proceed without any synchronisation, and to propagate the updates asynchronously, in the hope that replicas converge once all nodes have received all updates. EC was invented for mobile/disconnected computing, where communication is impossible (or prohibitively costly). EC also appears very appealing in large-scale computing environments such as P2P and cloud computing. However, its apparent simplicity is deceptive; in particular, the general EC model exposes tentative values, conflict resolution, and rollback to applications and users. Our research aims to better understand EC and to make it more accessible to developers.
We propose a new model, called Strong Eventual Consistency (SEC), which adds the guarantee that every update is durable and the application never observes a roll-back. SEC is ensured if all concurrent updates have a deterministic outcome. As a realization of SEC, we have also proposed the concept of a Conflict-free Replicated Data Type (CRDT). CRDTs represent a sweet spot in consistency design: they support concurrent updates, they ensure availability and fault tolerance, and they are scalable; yet they provide simple and understandable consistency guarantees.
This new model is suited to large-scale systems, such as P2P or cloud computing. For instance, we propose a “sequence” CRDT type called Treedoc that supports concurrent text editing at a large scale, e.g., for a wikipedia-style concurrent editing application. We designed a number of CRDTs such as counters (supporting concurrent increments and decrements), sets (adding and removing elements), graphs (adding and removing vertices and edges), and maps (adding, removing, and setting key-value pairs).
On the theoretical side, we identified sufficient correctness conditions for CRDTs, viz., that concurrent updates commute, or that the state is a monotonic semi-lattice. CRDTs raise challenging research issues: What is the power of CRDTs? Are the sufficient conditions necessary? How to engineer interesting data types to be CRDTs? How to garbage collect obsolete state without synchronisation, and without violating the monotonic semi-lattice requirement? What are the upper and lower bounds of CRDTs? We co-authored an innovative approach to these questions, to be published at Principles of Programming Languages (POPL) 2014 [29] .
We are currently developing an extreme-scale CRDT platform called SwiftCloud; see Section 5.2 .
Mixing commutative and non-commutative updates: reservations
Asynchronous updates are desirable because they ensure the system is available, fast and scalable. CRDTs are asynchronous, but cannot guarantee strong invariants, such as ensuring that a shared counter never goes negative. To solve this problem, we define a novel hybrid model that supports both synchronous and asynchronous updates, “red-blue-purple” consistency. The RPB model classifies updates into commutative, partially-commutative and non-commutative, and distinguishes the (global) states where partially-commutative operations can safely run asynchronously. We use reservation techniques to ensure operation in such states. A reservation promises, to a cache that holds it, that the system is in a state that allows the cache server to perform purple updates asynchronously. Reservations ensure that data is in a known state by caching both data and access permissions over data to make updates. This approach strengthens the safety guarantees in addition to eventual consistency [40] .