Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 Projects


  • Challenge: Pervasive and Trusted Network and Service Infrastructures

  • Instrument: Specific Targeted Research Project

  • Objectives: ICT-2013.1.2 “Software Engineering, Services and Cloud Computing,” ICT-2013.1.6 “Connected and Social Media”

  • Duration: October 2013 - September 2016

  • Coordinator: Marc Shapiro (Inria)

  • Partners: Inria (Regal & Score), Basho Technologies Inc., Trifork A/S, Rovio Entertainment Oy, U. Nova de Lisboa, U. Catholique de Louvain, Koç U., Technische U. Kaiserslautern.

  • Inria contact: Marc Shapiro

  • Abstract: The goal of SyncFree is to enable large-scale distributed applications without global synchronisation, by exploiting the recent concept of Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs). CRDTs allow unsynchronised concurrent updates, yet ensure data consistency. This radical new approach maximises responsiveness and availability; it enables locating data near its users, in decentralised clouds.

    Global-scale applications, such as virtual wallets, advertising platforms, social networks, online games, or collaboration networks, require consistency across distributed data items. As networked users, objects, devices, and sensors proliferate, the consistency issue is increasingly acute for the software industry. Current alternatives are both unsatisfactory: either to rely on synchronisation to ensure strong consistency, or to forfeit synchronisation and consistency altogether with ad-hoc eventual consistency. The former approach does not scale beyond a single data centre and is expensive. The latter is extremely difficult to understand, and remains error-prone, even for highly-skilled programmers.

    SyncFree avoids both global synchronisation and the complexities of ad-hoc eventual consistency by leveraging the formal properties of CRDTs. CRDTs are designed so that unsynchronised concurrent updates do not conflict and have well-defined semantics. By combining CRDT objects from a standard library of proven datatypes (counters, sets, graphs, sequences, etc.), large-scale distributed programming is simpler and less error-prone. CRDTs are a practical and cost-effective approach.

    The SyncFree project will develop both theoretical and practical understanding of large-scale synchronisation-free programming based on CRDTs. Project results will be new industrial applications, new application architectures, large-scale evaluation of both, programming models and algorithms for large-scale applications, and advanced scientific understanding.

Collaborations in European Programs, except FP7

  • Program: COST Action IC1001

  • Project acronym: Euro-TM

  • Project title: Transactional Memories: Foundations, Algorithms, Tools, and Applications

  • Duration: 2011–2014

  • Coordinator: Dr. Paolo Romano (INESC)

  • Other partners: Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom.

  • Inria contact: Marc Shapiro

  • Abstract: Parallel programming (PP) used to be an area once confined to a few niches, such as scientific and high-performance computing applications. However, with the proliferation of multicore processors, and the emergence of new, inherently parallel and distributed deployment platforms, such as those provided by cloud computing, parallel programming has definitely become a mainstream concern. Transactional Memories (TMs) answer the need to find a better programming model for PP, capable of boosting developers' productivity and allowing ordinary programmers to unleash the power of parallel and distributed architectures avoiding the pitfalls of manual, lock based synchronization. It is therefore no surprise that TM has been subject to intense research in the last years. This Action aims at consolidating European research on this important field, by coordinating the European research groups working on the development of complementary, interdisciplinary aspects of Transactional Memories, including theoretical foundations, algorithms, hardware and operating system support, language integration and development tools, and applications.

Collaborations with Major European Organizations