Section: Overall Objectives

Highlights of the Year

  • Stéphane Ducasse got promoted DR1 (December 2012).

  • A Web with Pharo Conference was held 6 June 2013 @ Euratechnologies, Lille

  • Pharo 2.0 (our open-source language and environment) was released. (http://www.pharo.org )

  • Three releases of Moose: 4.7, 4.8 and 4.9. Moose is our open-source reengineering platform. (http://www.moosetechnology.org )

  • The second PharoConf was held at University of Bern, Switzerland April 2-4.

  • The first ever Pharo Tutorial at ECOOP in 2013.

  • RMoD helped to Organize the Dyla workshop at ECOOP 2013.

  • Creation of Synectique. The company is a spin-off based on the research done in RMoD. Synectique is selling software maintenance solutions based on Pharo. (http://www.synectique.eu )

  • RMoD participated to the organization of the ESUG conference in Annecy, France in September (over 100 participants).

  • Deep into Pharo Book Released. Deep into Pharo is the second volume of a series of books covering Pharo. (http://rmod.lille.inria.fr/deepIntoPharo/ )

  • Organization of the MooseDay in Lille on the 19th December with around 25 persons from all around the world.