Section: New Results
Evaluation of an Activity Monitoring System for Older People Using Fixed Cameras
Participants : Carlos F. Crispim-Junior, Baptiste Fosty, Vasanth Bathrinarayanan, Salma Zouaoui-Elloumi, Monique Thonnat, François Brémond.
keywords: 2D-RGB cameras, RGB-D cameras, model-based activity recognition, older people
We have continued the evaluation of our model-based algorithm for complex activity recognition, now extending it to a larger dataset containing 38 older people participants undertaking instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) during 15 minutes (570 min. in total). The recordings have taken place in the observation room of the Memory Center of Nice hospital. Figure 35 presents the algorithm performance based on data obtained from a 2D-RGB video camera. A summary of the recognized activities (e.g., duration, frequency) is produced at the end of the event recognition task to be provided to doctors as a basis for the assessment of patient performance on IADL. This approach description and the evaluation results are published in 2013 AVSS Conference (see details in [36] ). Figure 36 illustrates an example of a patient being monitored. Blue dots illustrates previous positions of the person in the scene.
The proposed approach has been also evaluated using a RGB-D camera, as this camera increases the robustness of the monitoring system against environment illumination changes and also eases the deployment of the system by providing real 3-D information on the scene. The evaluation of the RGB-D-based activity monitoring system has been published in [38] . A live demonstration of this system has also been presented and applied in the scope of Dem@care project (a FP7 project devoted to multi-sensor older people monitoring) in the exhibition held in November 2013 in conjunction with the 2013 edition of the ICT (Information Communication Technologies) Conference in Vilnius - Lithuania.