Section: Software and Platforms
The Clem Toolkit [68] (see Figure 9 ) is a set of tools devoted to design, simulate, verify and generate code for le [19] [82] programs. le is a synchronous language supporting a modular compilation. It also supports automata possibly designed with a dedicated graphical editor.
Each le program is compiled later into lec and lea files. Then when we want to generate code for different backends, depending on their nature, we can either expand the lec code of programs in order to resolve all abstracted variables and get a single lec file, or we can keep the set of lec files where all the variables of the main program are defined. Then, the finalization will simplify the final equations and code is generated for simulation, safety proofs, hardware description or software code. Hardware description (Vhdl) and software code (C) are supplied for le programs as well as simulation. Moreover, we also generate files to feed the NuSMV model checker [65] in order to perform validation of program behaviors.