Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Pierre Alliez, Clément Jamin, Manish Mandad and Thijs van Lankveld have contributed to the organization of Digital Heritage 2013 held in Marseille, October 28 to November 1st.

Pierre Alliez was a paper committee member of EUROGRAPHICS Symposium on Geometry Processing, ACM Virtual Reality International Conference and Shape Modeling International. He is an associate editor of ACM Transactions on Graphics since 2009, and of Elsevier Graphical Models since 2010. This year he joined the editorial board of Computer Aided Geometric Design.

David Bommes was a paper committee member of EUROGRAPHICS Symposium on Geometry Processing, Shape Modeling International, EUROGRAPHICS short papers, ACM SIGGRAPH Asia technical briefs and posters and Digital Heritage.

Florent Lafarge was a paper committee member of ISPRS workshop on City Models, Roads and Traffic, ACM SIGGRAPH Asia technical briefs and posters, CAD/Graphics, Laser Scanning, Digital Heritage and Indoor3D, and a reviewer for CVPR and ICCV.