Section: Research Program
Methodology of proved system development
Powerful theorem provers are not a panacea for system verification: they support sound methodologies for modeling and verifying systems. In this respect, members of VeriDis have gained expertise and recognition in making contributions to formal methods for concurrent and distributed algorithms and systems [2] , [6] , and in applying them to concrete use cases. In particular, the concept of refinement [28] , [32] , [48] in state-based modeling formalisms is central to our approach. Its basic idea is to derive an algorithm or implementation by providing a series of models, starting from a high-level description that precisely states the problem, and gradually adding details in intermediate models. An important goal in designing such methods is to reduce the number of generated proof obligations and/or support their proof by automatic tools. This requires taking into account specific characteristics of certain classes of systems and tailoring the model to concrete computational models. Our research in this area is supported by carrying out case studies for academic and industrial developments. This activity benefits from and influences the development of our proof tools.
Our vision for the integration of our expertise can be resumed as follows. Based on our experience and related work on specification languages, logical frameworks, and automatic theorem proving tools, we develop an approach that is suited for specification, interactive theorem proving, and for eventual automated analysis and verification, possibly through appropriate translation methods. While specifications are developed by users inside our framework, they are analyzed for errors by our SMT based verification tools. Eventually, properties are proved by a combination of interactive and automatic theorem proving tools.
Today, the formal verification of a new algorithm is typically the subject of a PhD thesis, if it is addressed at all. This situation is not sustainable given the move towards more and more parallelism in mainstream systems: algorithm developers and system designers must be able to productively use verification tools for validating their algorithms and implementations. On a high level, the goal of VeriDis is to make formal verification standard practice for the development of distributed algorithms and systems, just as symbolic model checking has become commonplace in the development of embedded systems and as security analysis for cryptographic protocols is becoming standard practice today. Although the fundamental problems in distributed programming, such as mutual exclusion, leader election, group membership or consensus, are well-known, they pose new challenges in the context of modern system paradigms, including ad-hoc and overlay networks or peer-to-peer systems.