Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Research Program

Robust linguistic processing

Participants : Djamé Seddah, Benoît Sagot, Éric Villemonte de La Clergerie, Marie-Hélène Candito, Kata Gábor, Pierre Magistry, Marion Baranes.

The constitution of resources such as lexica or grammars raises the issues of the evaluation of these resources to assess their quality and coverage. For this reason, Alpage was the leader of the PASSAGE ANR project (ended in June 2010), which is the follow-up of the EASy parsing evaluation campaign held in 2004 and conducted by team LIR at LIMSI.

However, although developing parsing techniques, grammars (symbolic or probabilistic), and lexica constitute the key efforts towards deep large-scale linguistic processing, these components need to be included inside a full and robust processing chain, able to handle any text from any source, especially out-of-domain text genres. Such texts that exhibit properties (e.g., lexical and syntactic properties) that are different or differently distributed than what is found on standard data (e.g., training corpora for statistical parsers). The development of shallow processing chains, such as Sx Pipe (see  5.5 ), is not a trivial task [110] . Obviously, they are often used as such, and not only as pre-processing tools before parsing, since they perform the basic tasks that produce immediately usable results for many applications, such as tokenization, sentence segmentation, spelling correction (e.g., for improving the output of OCR systems), named entity detection, disambiguation and resolution, as well as morphosyntactic tagging.

Still, when used as a preliminary step before parsers, the quality of parsers' results strongly depends on the quality of such chains. This is especially the case, beyond the standard out-of-domain corpora mentioned above, for user-generated content. Indeed, until very recently out-of-domain text genres that have been prioritized have not been Web 2.0 sources, but rather biomedical texts, child language and general fiction (Brown corpus). Adaptation to user-generated content is a particularly difficult instance of the domain adaptation problem since Web 2.0 is not really a domain: it consists of utterances that are often ungrammatical. It even shares some similarities with spoken language [129] . The poor overall quality of texts found on such media lead to weak parsing and even POS-tagging results. This is because user-generated content exhibits both the same issues as other out-of-domain data, but also tremendous issues related to tokenization, typographic and spelling issues that go far beyond what statistical tools can learn from standard corpora. Even lexical specificities are often more challenging than on edited out-of-domain text, as neologisms built using productive morphological derivation, for example, are less frequent, contrarily to slang, abbreviations or technical jargon that are harder to analyse and interpret automatically.

In order to fully prepare a shift toward more robustness, we developed a first version of a richly annotated corpus of user-generated French text, the French Social Media Bank [7] , which includes not only POS, constituency and functional information, but also a layer of “normalized” text. This corpus is fully available and constitutes the first data set on Facebook data to date and the first instance of user generated content for a morphologically-rich language. Thanks to the support of the Labex EFL through, we are currently the finalizing the second release of this data set, extending toward a full treebank of over 4,000 sentences (see section  6.9 ).

Besides delivering a new data set, our main purpose here is to be able to compare two different approaches to user-generated content processing: either training statistical models on the original annotated text, and use them on raw new text; or developing normalization tools that help improving the consistency of the annotations, train statistical models on the normalized annotated text, and use them on normalized texts (before un-normalizing them).

However, this raises issues concerning the normalization step. A good sandbox for working on this challenging task is that of POS-tagging. For this purpose, we did leverage Alpage's work on MElt, a state-of-the art POS tagging system [80] (see  5.5 ). A first round of experiments on English have already led to promising results during the shared task on parsing user-generated content organized by Google in May 2012 [102] , as Alpage was ranked second and third [125] . For achieving this result, we brought together a preliminary implementation of a normalization wrapper around the MElt POS tagger followed by a state-of-the art statistical parser improved by several domain adaptation techniques we originally developed for parsing edited out-of-domain texts. Those techniques are based on the unsupervized learning of word clusters a la Brown and benefit from morphological treatments (such as lemmatization or desinflection) [123] . More recent developments are sketched in section  4.2

One of our objectives is to generalize the use of the normalization wrapper approach to both POS tagging and parsing, for English and French, in order to improve the quality of the output parses. However, this raises several challenges: non-standard contractions and compounds lead to unexpected syntactic structures. A first round of experiments on the French Social Media Bank showed that parsing performance on such data are much lower than expected. This is why, we are actively working to improve on the baselines we established on that matter.