Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events organisation
General chair, scientific chair
A. Lebre and M. Sellami organized cloudDays@Nantes. Supported by the ASR System consortium and the Inria Large Scale Initiative Hemera, this two day national event gathered 25 researchers and phd students to discuss about latest results in Virtualization and Cloud Computing (CloudDays@Nantes, 2014 .).
A. Lebre was local chair of the 2014 Simgrid Users Days (30 participants).
J.-C. Royer and M. Sellami were co-chair of the first PACS track (Privacy and Accountability for Software and Cloud Services) at WETICE 2014.
Member of the organizing committee
Green Lab Center: T. Ledoux and J.-M. Menaud are members of the board of the Green Lab Center association. This association promotes and disseminates Green IT practices and research prototypes to the world of education, research and companies (Green Lab Center ).
M. Südholt has been a member of the steering committee of the international conference Modularity.
Scientific events selection
Member of the conference program committee
A. Lebre was member of the program committees of IEEE IC2E 2014, SCRAMBL 2014, IEEE BigData 2014, IEEE CloudCom 2014, and IEEE BDCLoud 2014.
T. Ledoux was member of the program committees of the following conferences: the 29th Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC'14) - track Software Engineering Aspects of Green Computing, the 3rd International Conference on Eco-friendly Computing and Communication Systems (ICECCS'14), the 13th Workshop on Adaptive and Reflective Middleware (ARM'14) @ Middleware, the workshop CrossCloud'14 @ INFOCOM, the workshop CrossCloud Brokers'14 @ Middleware, the 3nd International Workshop on Green and Sustainable Software (GREENS'14) @ ICSE.
J.-M. Menaud has served on the program committee of the third SMARTGREENS 2014, IEEE ICC SAC,The Fifth CLOUD COMPUTING 2014, the third CAGing 2014, the IEEE Globecom 2014, the 5th IEEE ICICS, the first SDS, VHPC'14 and CFSE-10.
J. Noyé has been a member of the program committee of Modularity '14.
J.-C. Royer was a member of the program committes of WETICE 2014, CAL 2014, CIEL 2014, ICIS 2014, and JLDP 2014. He participated in the evaluation of a project for the Israel Science Foundation.
Member of the editorial board
M. Südholt has been a member of the editorial board of the Springer journal “Transactions of Aspect-Oriented Software Development” (TAOSD).
A. Lebre has been a reviewer for the JPDC and the Cluster Computing Journals.
J. Noyé has been a reviewer for “Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development”, “Software: Practice and Experience” and “Science of Computer Programming”.
M. Südholt has been a reviewer for IEEE “Transactions in Software Engineering” (TSE) and the Springer journal “Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development” (TOASD).