
Major publications by the team in recent years
  • 1M. Albert, J. Cabot, C. Gómez, V. Pelechano.

    Automatic generation of basic behavior schemas from UML class diagrams, in: Software and System Modeling, 2010, vol. 9, no 1, pp. 47-67.
  • 2D. Ameller, C. Ayala, J. Cabot, X. Franch.

    Non-functional Requirements in Architectural Decision Making, in: IEEE Software, March 2013, vol. 30, no 2, pp. 61-67.

  • 3M. Brambilla, J. Cabot, M. Wimmer.

    Model-Driven Software Engineering in Practice, Morgan & Claypool, September 2012, 182 p.

  • 4H. Brunelière.

    An Open Source-Based Approach for Industrializing Research Tools, in: OW2Con 2011, Session "Open Source Innovation Catalyst" - ICT Labs, IRILL, Paris, Issy Les Moulineaux, France, November 2011.

  • 5J. Cabot, R. Clarisó, E. Guerra, J. de Lara.

    Verification and validation of declarative model-to-model transformations through invariants, in: Journal of Systems and Software, 2010, vol. 83, no 2, pp. 283-302.
  • 6J. Cabot, R. Clarisó, D. Riera.

    On the verification of UML/OCL class diagrams using constraint programming, in: Journal of Systems and Software, 2014, vol. 93, pp. 1–23.

  • 7J. Cabot, R. Pau, R. Raventós.

    From UML/OCL to SBVR specifications: A challenging transformation, in: Inf. Syst., 2010, vol. 35, no 4, pp. 417-440.
  • 8J. Canovas, F. Jouault, J. Cabot, J. Garcia Molina.

    API2MoL: Automating the building of bridges between APIs and Model-Driven Engineering, in: Information and Software Technology, October 2011. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.infsof.2011.09.006 ]

  • 9A. Vignaga, F. Jouault, M. C. Bastarrica, H. Brunelière.

    Typing artifacts in megamodeling, in: Springer Journal on Software and Systems Modeling, February 2011, vol. 10, no 1. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10270-011-0191-2 ]

Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 11H. Brunelière, J. Cabot, G. Dupé, F. Madiot.

    MoDisco: a Model Driven Reverse Engineering Framework, in: Information and Software Technology, August 2014, vol. 56, no 8, pp. 1012-1032. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.infsof.2014.04.007 ]

  • 12J. Cabot, R. Clarisó, D. Riera.

    On the Verification of UML/OCL Class Diagrams using Constraint Programming, in: Journal of Systems and Software, March 2014. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.jss.2014.03.023 ]

  • 13J. Canovas, J. Garcia Molina.

    Extracting Models from Source Code in Software Modernization, in: Software & Systems Modeling, May 2014, vol. 13, no 2, 21 p. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10270-012-0270-z ]

  • 14E. A. G. Carnelossi, E. Lerat, H. Henri, S. Martinez, C. M. A. Carareto, C. Vieira.

    Specific activation of an I-like element in Drosophila interspecific hybrids, in: Genome Biology and Evolution, June 2014, pp. 1806-17.

  • 15J. S. Cuadrado, J. Canovas, J. Garcia Molina.

    Applying model-driven engineering in small software enterprises, in: Science of Computer Programming, September 2014, vol. 89, no B, 22 p.

  • 16C. A. González Pérez, J. Cabot.

    Formal Verification of Static Software Models in MDE: A Systematic Review, in: Information and Software Technology, March 2014. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.infsof.2014.03.003 ]

  • 17A. Gómez, M. C. Penadés, J. H. Canós, M. R. S. Borges, M. Llavador.

    A Framework for Variable Content Document Generation with Multiple Actors, in: Information and Software Technology, January 2014, vol. 56, no 9, pp. 1101-1121. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.infsof.2013.12.006 ]

  • 18A. Menychtas, K. Konstanteli, J. Alonso, L. Orue-Echevarria, J. Gorronogoitia, G. Kousiouris, C. Santzaridou, H. Brunelière, B. Pellens, P. Stuer, O. Strauss, T. Senkova, T. Varvarigou.

    Software modernization and cloudification using the ARTIST migration methodology and framework, in: Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience (Scientific International Journal for Parallel and Distributed Computing), July 2014, vol. 15, no 2, pp. 131-152. [ DOI : 10.12694/scpe.v15i2.938 ]

  • 19G. Sunyé, E. Cunha De Almeida, Y. Le Traon, B. Baudry, J.-M. Jézéquel.

    Model-Based Testing of Global Properties on Large-Scale Distributed Systems, in: Information and Software Technology, 2014.


International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 20A. Benelallam, A. Gómez, G. Sunyé, M. Tisi, D. Launay.

    Neo4EMF, a Scalable Persistence Layer for EMF Models, in: ECMFA- European conference on Modeling Foundations and applications, York, UK, United Kingdom, J. Cabot, J. Rubin (editors), Springer International Publishing, April 2014, vol. 8569, pp. 230-241. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-09195-2_15 ]

  • 21A. Benelallam, M. Tisi, I. Rath, B. Izso, D. S. Kolovos.

    Towards an Open Set of Real-World Benchmarks for Model Queries and Transformations, in: BigMDE, York, UK, United Kingdom, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, July 2014.

  • 22M. Brambilla, A. Mauri, E. Umuhoza.

    Extending the Interaction Flow Modeling Language (IFML) for Model Driven Development of Mobile Applications Front End, in: Mobile Web Information Systems, Barcelona, Spain, August 2014.

  • 23H. Brunelière, J. Cabot.

    On Developing Open Source MDE Tools: Our Eclipse Stories and Lessons Learned, in: Open Source Software for Model Driven Engineering (OSS4MDE'14) workshop - a MODELS 2014 Satellite Event, Valencia, Spain, September 2014.

  • 24J. Canovas, J. Cabot.

    Composing JSON-based Web APIs, in: International Conference on Web Engineering, Toulouse, France, July 2014.

  • 25J. H. Canós-Cerdá, J. Sánchez-Díaz, V. Orts, M. C. Penadés, A. Gómez, M. R. S. Borges.

    Turning Emergency Plans into Executable Artifacts, in: The 11th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, State College, Pennsylvania, United States, S. Hiltz, M. Pfaff, L. Plotnick, P. Shih (editors), Proceedings of the 11th International ISCRAM Conference, May 2014, pp. 496-500, ISBN: 978-0-692-21194-6 Available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) License.

  • 26V. Cosentino, M. Tisi, J. L. Canovas Izquierdo.

    A Model-Driven Approach to Generate External DSLs from Object-Oriented APIs, in: 41st International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Pec pod Sněžkou, Czech Republic, January 2015.

  • 27G. Daniel, G. Sunyé, A. Benelallam, M. Tisi.

    Improving memory efficiency for processing large-scale models, in: BigMDE, York, UK, United Kingdom, University of York, July 2014.

  • 28J. Garcia, O. Díaz, J. Cabot.

    An Adapter-Based Approach to Co-evolve Generated SQL in Model-to-Text Transformations, in: 26th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2014.

  • 29C. A. González Pérez, J. Cabot.

    Test Data Generation for Model Transformations Combining Partition and Constraint Analysis, in: 7th International Conference on Model Transformation (ICMT) 2014, York, United Kingdom, July 2014.

  • 30A. Gómez, P. Martí, M. C. Penadés, J. H. Canós.

    DPLFW: a Framework for the Product-Line-Based Generation of Variable Content Documents, in: Proceedings of the Demonstrations Track of the ACM/IEEE 17th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2014), Valencia, Spain, October 2014.

  • 31F. Jouault, M. Tisi, D. Jerome.

    fUML as an Assembly Language for MDA, in: 6th International Workshop on Modeling in Software Engineering (MiSE 2014), Hyderabad, India, June 2014.

  • 32A. E. Labib, M. C. Penadés, J. H. Canós, A. Gómez.

    Enforcing reuse and customization in the development of learning objects: a product line approach, in: 30th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC 2015), Salamanca, Spain, April 2015. [ DOI : 10.1145/2695664.2695991 ]

  • 33M. C. Penadés, P. Martí, J. H. Canós, A. Gómez.

    Product Line-based customization of e-Government documents, in: PEGOV : Personalization in e-Government Services, Data and Applications, Aalborg, Denmark, N. Loutas, F. Narducci, A. Ojo, M. Palmonari, C. Paris, G. Semeraro (editors), UMAP 2014 Extended Proceedings, CEUR-WS, July 2014, vol. 1181.

  • 34E. Robles, J. M. Rivero, M. Urbieta, J. Cabot.

    Improving the scalability of Model driven Web engineering approaches with runtime transformations, in: 14th International Conference on Web Engineering, Toulouse, France, July 2014.


Conferences without Proceedings

  • 35A. Benelallam, H. Brunelière.

    Neo4EMF : when big models are no longer an issue, in: EclipseCon France 2014, Toulouse, France, June 2014.

  • 36H. Brunelière, J. D. Villa Calle.

    EMF Views: Dealing with several interrelated EMF models, in: EclipseCon 2014 - Modeling Symposium, San Francisco, United States, March 2014.


Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)

  • 37B. Combemale, D. J. Pearce, O. Barais, J. J. Vinju (editors)

    fUML as an Assembly Language for Model Transformation, Springer International Publishing, Västerås, Sweden, September 2014, vol. 8706, 20 p. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-11245-9_10 ]

References in notes
  • 38M. Barbero, F. Jouault, J. Bézivin.

    Model Driven Management of Complex Systems: Implementing the Macroscope's vision, in: Proceedings of the 15th Annual IEEE International Conference and Workshop on Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS 2008), 31 March - 4 April 2008, Belfast, Northern Ireland, IEEE Computer Society, 2008, pp. 277–286.
  • 39J. Bézivin.

    From Object Composition to Model Transformation with the MDA, in: TOOLS '01: Proceedings of the 39th International Conference and Exhibition on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS39), Washington, DC, USA, IEEE Computer Society, 2001, pp. 350–354.
  • 40J. Bézivin, F. Büttner, M. Gogolla, F. Jouault, I. Kurtev, A. Lindow.

    Model Transformations? Transformation Models!, in: Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, 9th International Conference, MoDELS, Genova, Italy, LNCS, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, October 1-6 2006, no 4199, pp. 440–453.
  • 41J. Bézivin.

    On the Unification Power of Models, in: Software and System Modeling, 2005, vol. 4, no 2, pp. 171–188.
  • 42J. Bézivin, O. Gerbé.

    Towards a Precise Definition of the OMG/MDA Framework, in: ASE'01, Automated Software Engineering, San Diego, USA, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2001, pp. 273-280.
  • 43J. Bézivin, R. Heckel.

    04101 Summary – Language Engineering for Model-driven Software Development, in: Language Engineering for Model-Driven Software Development, Dagstuhl, Germany, J. Bézivin, R. Heckel (editors), Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings, Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum für Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, 2005, no 04101.
  • 44J. Bézivin, F. Jouault.

    Using ATL for Checking Models, in: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Graph and Model Transformation (GraMoT), Tallinn, Estonia, 2005.
  • 45J. Cabot, R. Clarisó, D. Riera.

    On the verification of UML/OCL class diagrams using constraint programming, in: Journal of Systems and Software, 2014, vol. 93, pp. 1–23.

  • 46G. Canfora, M. Di Penta, L. Cerulo.

    Achievements and challenges in software reverse engineering, in: Commun. ACM, April 2011, vol. 54, pp. 142–151.

  • 47M. Didonet Del Fabro, J. Bézivin, F. Jouault, P. Valduriez.

    Applying Generic Model Management to Data Mapping, in: Proceedings of the Journées Bases de Données Avancées (BDA05), 2005.
  • 48F. Jouault, F. Allilaire, J. Bézivin, I. Kurtev.

    ATL: a Model Transformation Tool, in: Science of Computer Programming, 2008, vol. 72, no 3, Special Issue on Second issue of experimental software and toolkits (EST), pp. 31–39.
  • 49F. Jouault, J. Bézivin.

    KM3: a DSL for Metamodel Specification, in: Proceedings of 8th IFIP International Conference on Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems, LNCS 4037, Bologna, Italy, 2006, pp. 171–185.
  • 50I. Kurtev, J. Bézivin, F. Jouault, P. Valduriez.

    Model-based DSL Frameworks, in: Companion to the 21st Annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, OOPSLA 2006, October 22-26, 2006, Portland, OR, USA, ACM, 2006, pp. 602–616.