Section: New Results

Model-Driven Document Engineering

As a result of a long-term collaboration of one of the AtlanMod team members with the ISSI research group at the Universitat Politècnica de València, we have participated in the publication of several works on the area of the Document Engineering. In this research line, we have applied the MDE methods and tools to the product-line-based generation of customized documents resulting in the so-called DPL methodology (http://dpl.dsic.upv.es , only in Spanish). The Document Product Lines (DPL) approach, which we throughly describe in a journal publication [17] , provides a framework for variable content document generation that follows an alternate path to the traditional variable document generation. DPL has been created with a twofold goal: first, to make creating variable content documents available to non-experts by including a domain engineering process previous to the document generation itself; and secondly, to enforce content reuse at domain level.

DPLfw is the main tool supporting the DPL methodology, and in the demonstrations track of the MODELS conference we showed all its capabilities. In addition to these contributions, we have published several works demonstrating the applicability of the DPL–DPLfw tandem in different domains, such as the development of executable emergency plans in crisis managent contexts [25] , the development of learning objects in the e-learning field [32] and the generation of customized documents in e-Government solutions [33] .