Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
PIA France Génomique: National funding from Investissements d'Avenir (call Infrastructures en Biologie-Santé). France Génomique is a shared infrastructure, whose goal is to support sequencing, genotyping and associated computational analysis, and increase French capacities in genome and bioinformatics data analysis. It gathers 9 sequencing platforms and 8 bioinformatics platforms. Within this consortium, we are responsible for the workpackage devoted to the computational analysis of sRNA-seq data, in coordination with the bioinformatics platform of Génopole Toulouse-Midi-Pyrénées
Mastodons (2014): National funding from CNRS (call Scientific big data ). This call targets the management, analysis and exploitation of massive scientific data sets. We have a collaborative project for Next Generation Sequencing data analysis with LIRMM (Montpellier) and Genscale (Inria Rennes).
PEPS Bio-Math-Info ReSeqVar (2013-2014): National funding from CNRS. This new project aims at designing new read mapping algorithms in the context of human genome resequencing, taking into account known variants. There are two partners: UMR 8199 (Génomique et maladie métabolique, Ph Froguel, O. Sand, part of the LIGAN sequencing platform) and Bonsai .
ADT biosciences resources (2012-2014): This ADT aims to build a portal of available applications in bioinformatics at Inria. The projects involves all the 8 teams from theme Bio-A and is more specifically developed by Bonsai and Rennes. The engineer hired from 2012 to 2014 in Lille finished its contract at fall. The portal is available at .