Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
L. Noé, Bioinformatics, 54h, M1 (master “Génomique Protéomique”, univ. Lille 1)
L. Noé, Networks, 42h, L3 (licence “Computer science”, univ. Lille 1)
M. Pupin, M. Salson, Introduction to programming (OCaml), 96h, L1 (licence “Computer science”, univ. Lille 1)
M. Salson, Coding and information theory, 63h, L2 (licence “Computer science”, univ. Lille 1)
J.-S. Varré Web programming, 36h, L2 (licence “Computer Science”, univ. Lille 1)
J.-S. Varré Programming with Caml, 36h, L2 (licence “Sciences for Engineers”, univ. Lille 1)
J.-S. Varré Algorithms and Data structures, 50h, L2 (licence “Computer science”, univ. Lille 1)
J.-S. Varré, System, 36h, L3 (licence “Computer science”, univ. Lille 1)
M. Salson, C programming, 42h, L3 (licence “Computer science”, univ. Lille 1)
M. Pupin, M. Salson Bioinformatics, 100h, M1 (master “Biology and Biotechnologies”, univ. Lille 1)
S. Blanquart, Algorithms and applications in bioinformatics, 24h, M1 (master “Computer Science”, univ. Lille 1)
V. Leclère Bioinformatics, 50h, M2 (master “Transformation Valorisation Industrielles des Agro-ressources”, univ. Lille 1)
M. Pupin, J.-S. Varré Computational biology, 30h, M2 (master “Modèles complexes, algorithmes et données”, univ. Lille 1)
S. Blanquart, Methods in phylogenetics, 4h, M2 (master “Ecology Environment”, univ. Lille 1)
M. Giraud, Algorithms for RNA Analysis, 12h, M2 (master “Bioinformatique et Modélisation”, univ. Paris 6)
M. Salson, Skeptical thinking, 14h, M2 (master “journalist and scientist”, univ. Lille1, ESJ)
J.-S. Varré, ISN - Computer science for secondary school, 20h, second-level teachers.
PhD in progress: C. Vroland, Indexing data for microRNA and microRNA target site identification in genomes, 2012/10/01, H. Touzet, V. Castric (GEPV), M. Salson
PhD in progress: T. Rocher, Indexing VDJ recombinations in lymphocytes for leukemia follow-up, 2014/11/01, J.-S. Varré, M. Giraud, M. Salson
PhD in progress: P. Pericard, Methods for taxonomic assignation in metagenomics, 2013/11/01, H. Touzet, S. Blanquart.
PhD in progress: C. Saad, Caractérisation des erreurs de séquençage non aléatoires, application aux mosaïques et tumeurs hétérogènes, 2014/10/01, M.-P. Buisine, H. Touzet, J. Leclerc, L. Noé, M. Figeac
PhD in progress: Y. Dufresne, Modèles et algorithmes pour la gestion de la biodiversité des peptides non-ribosomiques et la mise en évidence de nouveaux peptides bioactifs, 2013/10/01, M. Pupin, L. Noé
PhD in progress: L. Siegwald, Bionformatic analysis of Ion Torrent metagenomic data, 2014/01/03, H. Touzet, Y. Lemoine (Institut Pasteur de Lille)
Member of the thesis committee of Jérémie Gilliot (Université Lille 1, J.-S. Varré)
Member of the thesis committee of Trong-Tuan Vu (Université Lille 1, J.-S. Varré)
Member of the thesis committee of Audrey Vingadassalon (Université Paris Sud, V. Leclère)
Member of the thesis committee of Safwan Saker (Université de Toulouse, V. Leclère)
Member of the thesis committee of Valentin Wücher (Université Rennes 1, H. Touzet)
Member of the thesis committee Susan Higashi (Université Lyon 1, H. Touzet)
Member of the thesis committee of Mateusz Pawlik (Freie Universität Bozen, H. Touzet)
Member of the tenure committee of Sylvie Hamel (UQAM, H. Touzet)
Member of the national Inria CR1 hiring committee (M. Giraud)
Member of the CR2 hiring committee of Inria Rocquencourt (M. Giraud)
Member of the McF 27MC1727 committee (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, L. Noé)
Member of the McF 27/64, poste 0916 committee (Université de Reims, M. Pupin)
Member of the hiring committee McF of Université Lyon 1 (H. Touzet)
Administrative activities
National representative (chargée de mission) for the Institute for Computer Sciences (INS2I) in CNRS (CNRS: National Center for Scientific Research). She is more specifically in charge of relationships between the Institute and life sciences (H. Touzet)
Member of the Inria local committee for scientific grants (A. Ouangraoua)
Member of the Inria local committee for technology development (M. Pupin)
Member of the Gilles Kahn PhD award national commitee (H. Touzet)
Member of the national ANR evaluation committe CES19 (H. Touzet)
Member of CSS MBIA (mathematics, bioinformatics and artificial intelligence) at INRA (H. Touzet)
Member of the executive council of the IFB, Institut Français de Bioinformatique, (M. Pupin)
Head of IFB-NE (pôle Nord-Est de l'Institut Français de Bioinformatique), a cluster of 4 bioinformatics platforms (M. Pupin)
Head of the GIS department (Statistics and Computer Sciences) of Polytech'Lille (S. Janot)
Head of the master “Transformation Valorisation Industrielles des Agro-ressources”, univ. Lille 1 (V. Leclère)
Head of the master “Modèles complexes, algorithmes et données”, univ. Lille 1 (J.-S. Varré)
Member of the scientific operational committee of Xperium, Univ. Lille 1 (V. Leclère)
Head of the thematic group "Modeling for Life Sciences" of CRIStAL and member of the scientific council of CRIStAL (J.-S. Varré)