Section: New Results
Number and function fields
Participants : Jean-Marc Couveignes, Karim Belabas.
In the article [29] , J. Brau study the growth of the Galois invariants of the -Selmer group of an elliptic curve in a degree Galois extension. He shows that this growth is determined by certain local cohomology groups and determine necessary and sufficient conditions for these groups to be trivial.
In the article [30] written with J. Nathan, J. Brau study the modular curve of level 6 defined over whose -rational points correspond to -invariants of elliptic curves over for which is a subfield of . They characterize the -invariants of elliptic curves with this property by exhibiting an explicit model of . gives an infinite family of examples of elliptic curves with non-abelian "entanglement fields," which is relevant to the systematic study of correction factors of various conjectural constants for elliptic curves over .