Section: New Results
Quaternion algebras
Participants : Jean-Paul Cerri, Pierre Lezowski, Aurel Page.
In the article [14] written with J. Chaubert, J.-P. Cerri and P. Lezowski study totally indefinite Euclidean quaternion fields over a number field , that is to say where no infinite place is ramified. Relying on some generalisation of Hasse–Schilling–Maaß Norm Theorem, they prove that the Euclidean property of implies the Euclidean property of any totally indefinite Euclidean quaternion field over . Conversely, they provide the complete list of norm-Euclidean and totally indefinite quaternion fields over an imaginary quadratic number field. In particular, the article exhibits a totally indefinite and norm-Euclidean quaternion field over a non-Euclidean number field. This provides an answer to a question by Eichler. The proofs are both theoretic and algorithmic. The article has been published in Acta Arithmetica.
Deciding whether an ideal of a number field is principal and finding a generator is a fundamental problem with many applications in computational number theory. In the article [25] gives a an algorithm for indefinite quaternion algebras by reducing the decision problem to that in the underlying number field. It also gives an heuristically subexponential algorithm for finding a generator.