Section: New Results
Highlights of the Year
In the objective Querying Heterogeneous Linked Data, Slawomir Staworko and Iovka Boneva have developed new ways to define schema for Graph Database and RDF [19] . This work has been influencing a group work of W3C on defining a schema for the DF format. This work is a continuation of [3] (by Iovka Boneva, Radu Ciucanu and Slawomir Staworko) developping a new schema for unordered trees over XML. Due to these works, Boneva is now a member of the Data Shapes Working Group which mission is to produce a language for defining structural constraints on RDF graphs.
In the objective Managing Dynamic Linked Data, the main break through is the development of QuixPath that now covers 100 per cent of the XPathMark, a W3C benchmark for the language Xpath (querying XML trees). In particular, it includes aggregation operators, joins and arithmetics operations. The core of QuixPath is based on techniques presented in [6] (by Tom Sebastian, Denis Debardieux and Joachim Niehren).
In the objective Linking Data Graphs, different methods have been developped to learn queries over graph. More precisely, the queries learned are conjunctive queries with joins. These techniques have been presented in [13] and demonstrated in [4] at the conference VLDB.