Section: Overall Objectives

Presentation and overall objectives

In the context of the construction of the European landscape of research, Inria and ULB (Université Libre de Bruxelles) signed in 2013 an agreement to foster joint research teams on topics of mutual interests. The team MEPHYSTO, a joint project of Inria, the Université Lille 1 and CNRS, and the Université Libre de Bruxelles, is the first such collaboration, in applied mathematics. It operates in two locations: Lille and Brussels. A. Gloria spends one day a week in Lille, G. Dujardin spends one day a week in Brussels, and S. Armstrong visits both Brussels and Lille on a monthly basis.

The main objective of the team is to develop mathematical and numerical tools to study in a quantitative way some specific physical models which display random and/or multiscale features. The emphasis is put on the interplay between analysis, probability, and numerics.

We focus our efforts on two prototypical examples: stochastic homogenization and the Schrödinger equations.