Section: Application Domains

Authoring and Performing Interactive Music

Figure 2. Screenshot of Ascograph, the Antescofo graphical score editor

The combination of both realtime machine listening systems and reactive programming paradigms has enabled the authoring of interactive music systems as well as their realtime performance within a coherent synchronous framework called Antescofo . The module, developed since 2008 by the team members, has gained increasing attention within the user community worldwide with more than 40 prestigious public performances yearly. The outcomes of the teams's research will enhance the interactive and reactive aspects of this emerging paradigm as well as creating novel authoring tool for such purposes.

The AscoGraph authoring environment, started in 2013 and shown in Figure 2 , is the first step towards such authoring environments. The outcome of the ANR Project INEDIT (with LABRI and GRAME and coordinated by team leader), will further extend the use-cases of Antescofo for interactive multimedia pieces with more complex temporal structures and computational paradigms.