Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Massinissa Boudraham, Master student, University of Bordeaux, from March to September 2014, co-advised by H. Fourati and P. Geneves, master thesis: Systèmes de navigation pédestre : Analyse et étude comparative.

Visits to International Teams

Sabbatical programme
  • C. Canudas de Wit spent one week at the UC Berkeley. He has several meetings with Prof. Horowitz and Dr. Gomes to set up the ground for the collaboration with the student Giovanni De Nunzio on the problem of bandwidth optimization of green waves under eco-driving constraints. He has also two working meetings with Prof. Varaiya on issues of back-pressure control for light intersections, and discussion on modeling limitations of the CTM. He participated also in two seminars organized by the Transportation Institute at UC Berkeley. He also met with Prof. Murat Arcak and his student Sam Coogan and have some discussions on issues of monotonicity in traffic models.

  • A. Kibangou spent one week in the Advanced Sensor Networks Group of the department of Electrical and Electronical Engineering of the University of Pretoria (South Africa), one of the top university in Africa.

Explorer programme
  • Giovanni De Nunzio

    • Date: 24/09/2014 – 14/12/2014

    • Institution: University of California Berkeley (USA) Visit of Giovanni De Nunzio (Ph.D. student at NeCS team) at PATH, UC Berkeley. Collaboration with Dr. Gabriel Gomes and Prof. Roberto Horowitz. Participation to weekly meeting both for Freeway Traffic research group (held by Prof. Howitz) and Arterial Traffic research group (held by Prof. Varaiya). Two presentations were given at the Arterial meeting: one about the preliminary results with Dr. Gomes, one about the research activities carried out at NeCS team. Participation to the bi-weekly Intelligent Transportation Systems seminars at UC Berkeley.