Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Licence: H. Fourati, Informatique Industrielle, 105h, L1, IUT 1 (GEII2), University Joseph Fourier, France;
Licence: H. Fourati, Réseaux locaux industriels, 62h, L1 et L2, IUT1 (GEII2), University Joseph Fourier, France.
Licence: H. Fourati, Automatique, 45h, L3, UFR physique, University Joseph Fourier, France
Master: F. Garin, Distributed Algorithms and Network Systems, 19.5h, M2, University Joseph Fourier, France.
Licence: A. Kibangou, Automatique, 52h, L2, IUT1(GEII1), University Joseph Fourier, France.
Licence: A.Kibangou, Mathématiques, 33h, L2, IUT1 (GEII1), University Joseph Fourier, France.
Licence: A.Kibangou, Mathématiques, 44h, L1, IUT1 (GEII1), University Joseph Fourier, France.
Pedagogical resources (Victory, Pedagotice) : H. Fourati, Systèmes d'Informations Numériques, video, L1, .
PhD: Abir Ben Khaled, Distributed real time simulation of numerical models: application to powertrain, Grenoble INP, May. 27th, 2014, co-advised by D. Simon and M. Ben Gaid (IFPEN).
PhD: Luis R. Leon Ojeda, Short-term multi-step ahead traffic forecasting, Grenoble University, Jul. 3th, 2014, Co-advised by C. Canudas de Wit and A. Kibangou.
PhD: Dominik Pisarski, Collaborative Ramp Metering Control: Application to Grenoble South Ring, Grenoble University, Sep. 16, 2014, Advised by C. Canudas de Wit.
PhD: Zarina Samigulina, Development of an intelligent complex objects management system, KazNTU University, May. 30, 2014, Advised by O. Shiryayeva and H. Fourati.
PhD in progress: Ruggero Fabbiano, Distributed source seeking control, Grenoble University, Dec. 2011 - in progress, co-advised by C. Canudas de Wit and F. Garin.
PhD in progress: Thi-Minh Dung Tran, Consensus en temps fini et ses applications en estimation distribuée pour les systèmes de transport intelligents, Grenoble University, Jan. 2012 - Mar. 2015, co-advised by A. Kibangou and C. Canudas de Wit.
PhD in progress: Giovanni de Nunzio, Control of communicating vehicles in urban environnement, Grenoble University, Sep. 2012 - Aug. 2015, co-advised by C. Canudas de Wit and P. Moulin (IFPEN).
PhD in progress: Aida Makni, Estimation multi-capteurs et commande temps-réel tolérante aux fautes d'un drone aérien, Grenoble INP, Oct. 2012 - Sep. 2015, co-advised by H. Fourati, A. Kibangou and C. Canudas de Wit.
PhD in progress: Pietro Grandinetti, Control of large-scale traffic networks, CNRS, Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2017, co-advised by C. Canudas de Wit and F. Garin.
PhD in progress: Andrés Alberto Ladino Lopez, Robust estimation and prediction in large scale traffic networks, CNRS, Oct. 2014 - Sep. 2017, co-advised by C. Canudas de Wit, A. Kibangou and H. Fourati.
PhD in progress: Simon Gerwig, Collaborative, reconfigurable and resilient control for hydro-electric power-plants, Alstom, Oct. 2014 - Sep. 2017, co-advised by C. Canudas de Wit, F. Garin and B. Sari (Alstom).
PhD in progress: Thibaud Michel, Mobile Augmented Reality Applications for Smart Cities, Persyval, Nov. 2014 - Oct. 2017, co-advised by N. Layaïda, H. Fourati and P. Geneves.
H. Fourati participated in the jury of recruitment of students within the department of Electrical Engineering, IUT Grenoble, France.