Section: New Software and Platforms
GTL – Grenoble Traffic Lab
Participants : C. Canudas de Wit [contact person] , I. Bellicot, P. Bellemain, L. Leon Ojeda, D. Pisarski, A. Kibangou, H. Fourati, F. Morbidi, F. Garin, A. Ladino Lopez, P. Grandinetti, E. Lovisari, R. Singhal, A. Andreev.
The Grenoble Traffic Lab (GTL) initiative, led by the NeCS team, is a real-time traffic data Center (platform) that collects traffic road infrastructure information in real-time with minimum latency and fast sampling periods. The main elements of the GTL are: a real-time data-base, a show room, and a calibrated micro-simulator of the Grenoble South Ring. Sensed information comes from a dense wireless sensor network deployed on Grenoble South Ring, providing macroscopic traffic signals such as flows, velocities, densities, and magnetic signatures. This sensor network was set in place in collaboration with Inria spin-off Karrus-ITS, local traffic authorities (DIR-CE, CG38, La Metro), and specialized traffic research centers. In addition to real data, the project also uses simulated data, in order to validate models and to test the ramp-metering; the micro-simulator is a commercial software (developed by TSS AIMSUN ©).
More details at