Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events organisation
member of the organizing committee
steering committee
workshop organisation
first OpenViBE workshop, September 2014, satellite workshop of the 6th International BCI conference, Graz, Austria, co-organized with Inria teams Athena, Hybrid, Neurosys and with the company Mensia Technologies (F. Lotte)
BCI Workshop for art, Academy of Media Arts Cologne (KHM), Germany, February 2014 (C. Múhl)
Workshop «Perspectives on Gender and Product Design» at CHI 2014 (A. Brock)
International Tutorials and Summer/Autumn/Winter schools
"Design of BCI based on Oscillatory activity: signal processing and more", International BBCI Winter School on Neurotechnologies, Berlin, Germany, February 2014 (F. Lotte)
"EEG Signal Processing and Classification for Brain Computer Interfacing (BCI) Applications", with A.Konar and A. Sinharay , ICASSP 2014, , Florence, Italy, May 2014 (F. Lotte)
Scientific events selection
member of the conference program committee
member of award committee
Best talk and poster award committee, 6th International BCI Conference, Graz, Austria (F. Lotte)
PhD Thesis award 2014 from AFIA (French Association for Artificial Intelligence) (F. Lotte)
Best Poster award committee, SUI 2014, Honululu, USA (M. Hachet)
member of the editorial board
journal ACM JOCCH Guest editor, Special issue on « Interacting with the past » 2014 (M. Hachet)
Brain-Computer Interfaces journal Guest editor, Special issue on “Affective Brain-Computer Interfaces”, 2014 (C. Múhl)