Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
ANR Project ISAR:
acronym: Interaction en Réalité Augmentée Spatiale / Interacting with Spatial Augmented Reality
The ISAR project (Interaction with Spatial Augmented Reality) focuses on the design, implementation, and evaluation of new paradigms to improve interaction with the digital world when digital content is directly projected onto physical objects (e.g. a ball on the figure). It opens new perspectives for exciting tomorrow’s applications, beyond traditional screen-based applications.
Inria ADT OpenViBE-NT:
coordinator: Anatole Lécuyer (Inria Rennes Bretagne Atlantique)
The aim of this project is to further develop OpenViBE, notably in order to (1) make the software evolve towards a new version that fits better current and future needs from its users, (2) to offer new and original functionalities and (3) to keep ensuring OpenViBE support and dissemination. The final objective is to further increase OpenViBE usability and appeal, in order to strengthen the users’ community surrounding the software and enable us to make it as viable and useful as possible, on the long term. The developments will also enable the Inria teams involved (Potioc, Hybrid, Neurosys and Athena) to explore new research directions on BCI, such as adaptive BCI, hybrid BCI, that combines EEG with other physiological sensors (e.g., heart rate, galvanic skin response, gaze, etc.), or new coupling between BCI and virtual reality in order to improve human training for BCI, thanks to new immersive feedback types.
Inria ADT OpenViBE-X:
Inria Project Lab BCI-LIFT:
partners: Inria team Athena (Inria Sophia-Antipolis), Inria team Hybrid (Inria Rennes), Inria team Neurosys (Inria Nancy), LITIS (Université de Rouen), Inria team DEMAR (Inria Sophia-Antipolis), Inria team MINT (Inria Lille), DyCOG (INSERM Lyon)
Project around BCI in the evaluation process, first meeting with all the partners was in October 2013
The aim is to reach a next generation of non-invasive Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), more specifically BCI that are easier to appropriate, more efficient, and suit a larger number of people. With this concern of usability as our driving objective, we will build non-invasive systems that benefit from advanced signal processing and machine learning methods, from smart interface design, and where the user immediately receives supportive feedback. What drives this project is the concern that a substantial proportion of human participants is currently categorized “BCI-illiterate” because of their apparent inability to communicate through BCI. Through this project we aim at making it easier for people to learn to use the BCI, by implementing appropriate machine learning methods and developping user training scenarios.
The AIBLE project (Augmented, Inquiry-Based, Learning, Environment) aims to provide a methodology and innovative media for the improvement of learning of basic astronomical phenomena for school groups (8-11 years). As part of this project, Potioc will focus on the development of the final application for augmented reality based and 3D manipulation, for providing a high-fidelity prototype.
PIA ville numérique "Villes transparentes":
In the context of the call for proposal Ville numérique (Digital city) by the Investissement d’Avenir Program, the Potioc team was selected for the project “Villes transparentes” (Transparent city) in collaboration with Mappy (Pages Jaunes group) and Vectuel. In this project of a duration of two years, the Potioc team focused on the development of innovative interaction techniques for the navigation in urban 3D environments.
DRAO is a research project dedicated to the creation of drawing. Its first focus is on the understanding of how people draw through studies and interviews with professionals.The second goal is the automation of some parts of the drawing process. Finally, the third goal is the creation of tools to teach drawing with digital tools.
The objective of this working group is to unite a community of actors involved in the design and use of interaction techniques for 3D spaces, ie perceive, understand, manipulate and move within virtual 3D spaces.