Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific committees and review of conferences

  • J. Erhel is a member of the international advisory committee of the parallel CFD conferences (Trondheim, Norway, May 2014).

  • J. Erhel was reviewer for the CARI conference.

Organization of workshops

  • J. Erhel organized with Klaus Johannsen, from University of Bergen, the session "`High-performance computing, visualization and scientific workflow"', at the international conference "`Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR, Stuttgard, Germany, May 2014).

  • G. Pichot organized two workshops in Rennes (April, 28-30, 2014 and June, 24-26, 2014) funded by the Brittany council (see 8.1.1 ) and Inria to prepare the Future and Emerging Technology (FET) Open proposal, called GEOPRISM, submitted in september 2014.

  • G. Pichot organized with A. Fumagalli (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) a mini-symposium session (6 countries, 7 speakers) at the SIAM Annual Meeting AN14, within the SIAM Geosciences track, on Modeling and Numerical Issues for fractured porous media..

Editorial Boards

  • B. Philippe is one of the four chief-editors of the electronic journal ARIMA (revue Africaine de la Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées).

  • B. Philippe is managing editor of the electronic journal ETNA (Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis).

  • J. Erhel and G. Pichot are editors of the proceedings of Domain Decomposition XXI (LNCSE, Springer) [29]

  • J. Erhel is member of the editorial board of ETNA.

  • J. Erhel is member of the editorial board of ESAIM:Proceedings.

Steering committees

  • J. Erhel is a member of the steering committee of the Réseau National des Systèmes Complexes.

  • J. Erhel is the scientific coordinator of the website Interstices (since June 2012).

    See http://www.interstices.info .

Review of papers

  • É. Canot was reviewer for the journals EABE, ASME-JHT.

  • J. Erhel was reviewer for the journals ADWR, ETNA, SISC.

  • M. Oumouni was reviewer for the journal JOMP.

  • G. Pichot was reviewer for the journal ADWR.

Review of proposals

  • J. Erhel was reviewer for proposals submitted to ACSPRF, ANR (ASTRID call), Shell-NWO-FOM.

Inria, IRISA and University committees

  • É. Canot is member of the CLHSCT (Commité Local Hygiène Sécurité Conditions de Travail), of Inria-Rennes, from September 2010.

  • J. Erhel was member of the Comité Technique d'Etablissement Public of Inria, until December 2014.

  • J. Erhel was member of Conseil d'Administration of Inria, until December 2014.

  • G. Pichot is responsible for the domain "environment" at IRISA.

  • G. Pichot is member of the Conseil de département MAM of Polytech Lyon.