Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 & H2020: EXA2CT project

  • Type: FP7

  • Challenge: Special action

  • Instrument: Specific Targeted Research Project

  • Objective: Exascale computing platforms, software and applications

  • Duration: September 2013 - August 2016

  • Coordinator: S. Ashby, IMEC, Belgium

  • Partners: 10 partners

  • Inria contact: Luc Giraud

  • Web page: https://projects.imec.be/exa2ct/

  • Abstract: The goal of this project is to develop novel algorithms and programming models to tackle what will otherwise be a series of major obstacles to using a crucial component of many scientific codes at exascale, namely solvers and their constituents. The results of this work will be combined in running programs that demonstrate the application-targeted use of these algorithms and programming models in the form of proto-applications.

Collaborations with Major European Organizations

  • UPC: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-UPC, Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (Spain)

  • numerical simulations in hydrogeology, reactive transport in heterogeneous media, upscaling, scientific software platform (see 5.1.1 ).

  • UFZ: Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research-UFZ, Hydrogeology group (Germany)

  • numerical simulations in hydrogeology, flow in porous fractured media, scientific software platform

  • HPCLab: University of Patras, High Performance Information Systems Laboratory (Greece)

  • cooperation with B. Philippe in writing a book, and in common research on low rank approximations of matrix functions.

  • ERCIM: working group on numerical algorithms, high performance computing.