Section: Dissemination

Other Scientific Animation

  • Maxime Amblard is an elected member of the “conseil d'UFR" of the UFR mathematics and computer sciences, until Dec. 2014.

  • Maxime Amblard is an elected member of the “conseil de laboratoire" - Loria.

  • Maxime Amblard is an elected member of the “conseil scientifique" of the Université de Lorraine (member of the board of the council since Nov. 2014).

  • Maxime Amblard is an invited member of the “Pôle scientifique AM2I” of the Université de Lorraine.

  • Maxime Amblard was member of the CA of the scientific association ATALA until june 2014.

  • Maxime Amblard was member of the “comité de sélection" McF 4169 (CNU section 17 and 72) - Université Paris Descartes

  • Bruno Guillaume is an elected member of the “Pôle scientifique AM2I” of the Université de Lorraine.

  • Bruno Guillaume is a member of the Comipers (Inria commity for PhD and Post-doctoral selection).

  • Bruno Guillaume was one of the two redactors of the CPER 2015-2020 project “Langues, Connaissances et Humanités Numériques” (Languages, Knowledge and Digital Humanities) in which ten laboratories of the Université de Lorrraine are implied.