Section: Dissemination
Other Scientific Animation
Maxime Amblard is an elected member of the “conseil d'UFR" of the UFR mathematics and computer sciences, until Dec. 2014.
Maxime Amblard is an elected member of the “conseil de laboratoire" - Loria.
Maxime Amblard is an elected member of the “conseil scientifique" of the Université de Lorraine (member of the board of the council since Nov. 2014).
Maxime Amblard is an invited member of the “Pôle scientifique AM2I” of the Université de Lorraine.
Maxime Amblard was member of the CA of the scientific association ATALA until june 2014.
Maxime Amblard was member of the “comité de sélection" McF 4169 (CNU section 17 and 72) - Université Paris Descartes
Bruno Guillaume is an elected member of the “Pôle scientifique AM2I” of the Université de Lorraine.
Bruno Guillaume is a member of the Comipers (Inria commity for PhD and Post-doctoral selection).
Bruno Guillaume was one of the two redactors of the CPER 2015-2020 project “Langues, Connaissances et Humanités Numériques” (Languages, Knowledge and Digital Humanities) in which ten laboratories of the Université de Lorrraine are implied.