Creation of the Project-Team: 2007 July 01

Section: Members

Research Scientists

Alessandro Lazaric [Inria, Researcher]

Mohammad Ghavamzadeh [Inria, Researcher, HdR]

Rémi Munos [Inria, Senior Researcher, HdR]

Daniil Ryabko [Inria, Researcher, HdR]

Michal Valko [Inria, Researcher]

Faculty Members

Philippe Preux [Team leader, Univ. Lille III, Professor, HdR]

Pierre Chainais [Ecole Centrale de Lille, Associate Professor, HdR]

Rémi Coulom [Univ. Lille III, Associate Professor, until Sep 2014]

Emmanuel Duflos [Ecole Centrale de Lille, Professor, HdR]

Romaric Gaudel [Univ. Lille III, Associate Professor]

Jérémie Mary [Univ. Lille III, Associate Professor]

Philippe Vanheeghe [Ecole Centrale de Lille, Professor, HdR]

Bilal Piot [Univ. Lille III, from Oct 2014]

Olivier Pietquin [IUF and Univ. Lille I, HdR]

PhD Students

Timothé Collet [Univ. Metz, from Mar 2014 until Nov 2014]

Layla El Asri [CIFRE Orange]

Marc Abeille [Univ. Lille I, from Sep 2014]

Boris Baldassari [Squoring, until Sep 2014]

Alexandre Berard [Univ. Lille I, from Oct 2014]

Daniele Calandriello [Inria]

Pratik Gajane [Orange Labs, from Oct 2014]

Hadrien Glaude [Thales, from Feb 2014]

Jean Bastien Grill [ENS Cachan, from Oct 2014]

Frédéric Guillou [Région Nord-Pas-de-Calais and TBS]

Adrien Hoarau [DGA]

Tomas Kocak [Inria]

Julien Perolat [Univ. Lille I, from Oct 2014]

Amir Sani [Région Nord-Pas-de-Calais and Inria]

Marta Soare [Région Nord-Pas-de-Calais and EU FP7 Complacs]

Olivier Nicol [Univ. Lille I and III, until Dec 2014]

Victor Gabillon [MENRT, Univ. Lille I, until June 2014]

Vincenzo Musco [Univ. Lille I and III]

Hong-Phuong Dang [Ecole Centrale Lille]

Clément Elvira [ANR BNPSI no ANR-13-BS-03-0006-01]

Post-Doctoral Fellows

Prashanth Lakshmanrao Anantha Padmanabha [Inria, until Oct 2014, granted by EU FP7 Complacs]

Gergely Neu [Inria, granted by ERCIM and Hermès]

Balázs Szörényi [Inria, granted by EU FP7 Complacs]

Visiting Scientists

Sergio Valcarcel Macua [Technical University of Madrid, from Feb 2014 until May 2014]

Jennifer Healey [Intel]

Julien Audiffren [Univ. Marseille]

Administrative Assistant

Amélie Supervielle [Inria]


Nicolas Carion [ENS-Lyon, L3, from Jun 2014 until Jul 2014]

Jessica Chemali [Inria, Master, Carnegie Mellon University, from May 2014 until Aug 2014]

Valentin Owczarek [Univ. Lille I, L3, from Apr 2014 until Jun 2014]

Julien Rouse [Univ. Lille III, L3, from Mar 2014 until Jun 2014]

Mathias Sable Meyer [ENS-Cachan, L3, from Jun 2014 until Jul 2014]

Othmane Safsafi [ENS-Ulm, L3, from Jun 2014 until Aug 2014]