Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
D. Calandriello won the best master thesis award from the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence for his thesis "Sparse Multi-Task Reinforcement Learning". The association awards the prize to the best master thesis focused on AI in Italy in 2014. The thesis was written under the co-supervision of A. Lazaric during a year spent in SequeL
F. Guillou won the ACM RecSys challenge (on recommendation systems)
P. Chainais won an IBM Faculty Award for the creation of the option DAD (Data Analysis and Decision making) at Ecole Centrale Lille (10000$ have been given to EC Lille). The partnership with IBM about Big Data is getting stronger and new perspectives are coming.
Licence: R. Gaudel, programmation R pour statistiques et sociologie quantitative, 28h eqTD, L1, université Lille 3, France
Licence: R. Gaudel, projet informatique de traitement des données en SHS, 20h eqTD, L2, université Lille 3, France
Licence: R. Gaudel, préparation au C2i niveau 1, 24h eqTD, L1-3, université Lille 3, France
Master: R. Gaudel, fouille du web, 32h eqTD, M2, université Lille 3, France
Master: R. Gaudel, fouille de donées, 30h eqTD, M2, université Lille 3, France
Master: A. Lazaric, Reinforcement Learning, 25h eqTD, M2, ENS Cachan, France
Master: A. Lazaric, Reinforcement Learning, 25h eqTD, M2, Ecole Centrale Lille, France
Master: Ph. Preux, “Modeling, Computer Science, Mathematics”, 72h eqTD, M1 pshychology/cognitive science, université Lille 3, France
Master: Ph. Preux, “Formal neural netwokrs”, 30h eqTD, M1 cognitive science, université Lille 3, France
Licence: Ph. Preux, “Supervised Learning”, 30h eqTD, L3 MIASHS, université Lille 3, France
EC Lille (3rd y.): P. Chainais, “Machine learning”, 34h eqTD, Ecole Centrale Lille, France
EC Lille (3rd y.): P. Chainais, “Matlab”, 16h eqTD, Ecole Centrale Lille, France
EC Lille (3rd y.): P. Chainais, “Image processing”, 16h eqTD, Ecole Centrale Lille, France
EC Lille (3rd y.): P. Chainais, “Representation and data compression”, 8h eqTD, Ecole Centrale Lille, France
EC Lille (1st y.): P. Chainais, “Signal processing”, 22h eqTD, Ecole Centrale Lille, France
EC Lille (2nd y.): P. Chainais, “Wavelets and applications”, 24h eqTD, Ecole Centrale Lille, France
Master: J. Mary, M2 ID - Univ Lille, Programmation web avancée et design pattern, 64h eqTD
Master: J. Mary, M1 ID - Univ Lille, Programmation web , 32h eqTD
Master: J. Mary, M1 ID - Univ Lille, Algorithmique avancée , 32h eqTD
Master: J. Mary, M1 IIES - Univ Lille, Analyse de données avec R, 32h eqTD
HDR defended: Mohammad Ghavamzadeh defended his “Habilitation à diriger les recherches” on June 12th.
PhD defended: Boris Baldassari defended his PhD thesis Apprentissage automatique et développement logiciel, on July 1st, advisor: Ph. Preux.
PhD defended: Gabriel Dulac-Arnold defended his PhD thesis A General Sequential Model for Constrained Classification, on Feb. 7th, advisor: Ph. Preux, L. Denoyer (Paris 6), P. Gallinari (Paris 6).
PhD defended: Victor Gabillon defended his PhD thesis “Active Learning in Classification-based Policy Iteration”, on June 12th, advisor: M. Ghavamzadeh.
PhD defended: Olivier Nicol defended his PhD thesis “Data-driven evaluation of Contextual Bandit algorithms and applications to Dynamic Recommendation”, on Dec. 18th, advisor: Ph. Preux, J. Mary.
PhD defended: Emilie Kaufmann defended her PhD thesis, “Bayesian Bandits”, advisor: R. Munos, O. Cappé, A. Garivier.
PhD in progress: Frédéric Guillou, “Sequential Recommender System”, since Oct. 2013, advisor: Ph. Preux, J. Mary, R. Gaudel.
PhD in progress: Vicenzo Musco, “Topology and evolution of software graphs”, since Oct. 2013, advisor: P. Preux, M. Monperrus
PhD in progress: Adrien Hoarau, “Multi-arm Bandit Theory”, since Oct. 2012, advisor: R. Munos.
PhD in progress: Tomáš Kocák, “Sequential Learning with Similarities”, since Oct. 2013, advisor: R. Munos, M. Valko
PhD in progress: Amir Sani, “Learning under uncertainty”, Oct. 2011, since advisor: R. Munos, A. Lazaric.
PhD in progress: Marta Soare, “Pure Exploration in Multi-arm Bandit”, since Oct. 2012, advisor: R. Munos, A. Lazaric.
PhD in progress: Hong Phuong Dang, Bayesian non parametric methods for dictionary learning and inverse problems, since Oct. 2013, advisor: P. Chainais.
PhD in progress: Linh Van Nguyen, High resolution reconstruction from low resolution measurements of velocity fields in turbulent flows, since Oct. 2013, advisor: P. Chainais & J.P. Laval (Laboratoire de Mécanique de Lille).
PhD in progress: Clément Elvira, “Bayesian non parametric approaches for blind hyperspectral images unmixing.", since Oct. 2014, advisor: P. Chainais & N. Dobigeon (IRIT, Toulouse).
PhD started: Daniele Calandriello, Efficient Sequential Learning in Structured and Constrained Environments, since Oct. 2014, advisor: M. Valko & A. Lazaric & P. Preux.
PhD started: Jean-Bastien Grill, Développement et analyse de mé thodes numé riques efficaces pour de l'optimisation lorsque la régularité de la fonction sous-jacente n'est pas connue à priori., since Oct. 2014, advisor: M. Valko & R. Munos
PhD started: Pratik Gajane, “Sequential Learning and Decision Making under Partial Monitoring”, since Oct. 2014, advisor: Philippe Preux, Tanguy Urvoy (Orange Labs)
A. Lazaric was part of the jury of the PhD of Mahdi Milani Fard at McGill Univiersity (supervised by J. Pineau).
Ph. Preux was part of the PhD defense jury of W. Wang (Université Paris-Sud, M. Martinez (Université de Lille), G. Dulac-Arnold (Université Paris 6), V. Gabillon, Boris Baldassari, and O. Nicol (all 3 from Université de Lille).
Ph. Preux was part of the HdR defense jury of M. Ghavamzadeh.
P. Chainais was part of the PhD defense jury of Raja Suleiman (supervied by David Mary) at University of Nice, dec. 2014.