Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events organisation
Member of the organizing committee
Charles Kervrann was member of the organizing committee of the international Quantitative BioImaging 2015 (QBI) conference, Institut Pasteur, January 2015 (180 participants).
Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux was member of the organizing committees:
Second edition of the European Bio-Image analyst Symposium: EUBIAS Taggathon workshop organized on the 8th and 9th of December 2014 for the creation of a webtool referencing bio image analysis workflows (20 participants invited over 2 days), and of the EuBIAS community meeting for bio-image analysts on the 5th and 6th of January (118 participants).
Microscopy school MiFoBio'2014 (Seignosse, October 2014): Organization of advanced modules and round tables with Alain Dieterlen (Laboratoire MIPS-uha Mulhouse).
Patrick Bouthemy was member of the “commité de pilotage” for the organization of RFIA'2014.
Frédéric Lavancier is head of the workshop “Spatio-temporal models and statistics”, IRMAR University of Rennes 1, LMJL University of Nantes, ENSAI, University of Rennes 2, INRA Rennes, Inria Rennes.
Scientific events selection
Member of the conference program committee
Charles Kervrann: Associated editor for the conference isbi '2015, PC member for isbi '2014, member of scientific committee of “Journées d'Imagerie Optique Non-Conventionnelle” (JIONC'2014).
Patrick Bouthemy: Area chair for the conference icip’2014 , PC member for icpram '2014.
Thierry Pécot: Associated editor for the conference isbi '2015.
Charles Kervrann: reviewer for icip '2014, icassp '2014, ssvm '2015, rfia '2014, eusipco '2014, emmcprv '2015.
Patrick Bouthemy: reviewer for eccv ’2014, isbi '2014, isbi '2015, rfia '2014.
Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux: reviewer for isbi '2015, expert for the project evaluation in the framework of France-Brazil cooperation COFECUB (Comité Français d’Évaluation de la Coopération Scientifique et Universitaire avec le Brésil).
Member of the editorial board
Charles Kervrann is guest editor of the special issue entitled “Advanced Signal Processing in Microscopy and Cell Imaging” of the IEEE Selected Topics in Signal Processing Journal (publication in 2015).
Charles Kervrann: reviewer in 2014 for Bioinformatics, Digital Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Journal Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Medical Image Analysis, Traitement du Signal.
Patrick Bouthemy: reviewer in 2014 for IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Medical Image Analysis.
Frédéric Lavancier : reviewer since September 2014 for Bernoulli, Climate Dynamics, Metrika, Statistics and Probability Letters.
Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux: reviewer for PLoS One.
Participations in seminars, invitations, awards
Charles Kervrann was invited to give a talk entitled “Tracking and motion analysis in fluorescence microscopy” at the microscopy school MiFoBio'2014 (Seignosse, October 2014), “Localization, classification and estimation of membrane dynamics in TIRFM image sequences” at the Quantitative BioImaging 2015 (QBI 2015) (Institut Pasteur, Paris January 2015), “Patch-based methods and algorithms for breaking the signal-to-noise ratio in fluorescence microscopy” at the Max-Planck Institute Munich (Biochemistry Department, Martinsried, Germany, December 2014), “Conditional Random Fields for tubulin-microtubule segmentation in cryo-electron tomography” at the special session on Electron Microscopy, Image Processing Problems and Applications in Biology: From Structure to Dynamics of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'2014) (Paris, October 2014), “Approximate Bayesian computation, stochastic algorithms and non-local means for complex noise models” at the special session on Photon-Limited Image Reconstruction of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'2014) (Paris, October 2014).
Frédéric Lavancier was invited to give a talk entitled “Inference for union of interacting discs” at JSTAR, Rennes, October 2014.
Thierry Pécot was invited to give a talk entitled “Space-time representation imaging and cellular dynamics of molecular complexes and Mobyle platform”, at EuBIAS meeting, Institut Curie, Paris in January 2015 and at the BioGenouest meeting - Imaging Platforms on February 2014.
Thierry Pécot and Charles Kervrann organized a practical on “Image processing methods for motion analysis of particles” for microscopy school MiFoBio'2014 (Seignosse, October 2014).
Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux was invited to give a talk entitled “Microscopy images life cycle management in biology: knowledge mining from an image database” at the INRA seminar “Open Data” on the Curie image data base including development realized in collaboration with SERPICO for automatic processing on clusters from the database (Saint Martin des Combes, December 2014).
Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux (with F. Waharte) organized a practical on “Molecular dynamics in microscopy based on fluorescence image correlation” for microscopy school MiFoBio'2014 (Seignosse, October 2014).
Charles Kervrann:
Member of the IEEE BISP “Biomedical Image and Signal Processing” committee.
Member of executive board of the GdR MIV (2588 - Microscopie Fonctionnelle du Vivant) CNRS,
Member of the scientific committee of the Interdisciplinary MiFoBio School CNRS ( ).
Member of the executive board of the project committee of the Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique centre.
Member of the Scientific Council of the INRA Rennes Research Centre.
Patrick Bouthemy:
Deputy member of the board of directors and member of the Selection and Validation Committee of the Images & Réseaux competitivity cluster.
Deputy member of the board of directors of IRT (Technological Research Institute) B-com.
President of AFRIF (Association Française pour la Reconnaissance et l’Interprétation des Formes) and member of the board of the GRETSI (Groupement de Recherche en Traitement du Signal et des Images).