STARS - 2014
Overall Objectives
New Software and Platforms
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Overall Objectives
New Software and Platforms
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

Autonomous Monitoring for Securing European Ports

Participants : Vasanth Bathrinarayanan, François Brémond.

Keywords: Event Recognition, Port Surveillance

This work is done for the European research project SUPPORT (Security UPgrade for PORTs). This project addresses potential threats on passenger life and the potential for crippling economic damage arising from intentional unlawful attacks on port facilities, by engaging representative stakeholders to guide the development of next generation solutions for upgraded preventive and remedial security capabilities in European ports. The overall benefit is securing and efficient operation of European ports enabling uninterrupted flows of cargo and passengers while suppressing attacks on high value port facilities, illegal immigration and trafficking of drugs, weapons and illicit substances.

Scene understanding platform was tested on this new dataset, which has archived footage from past incidents and some acted scenarios. The processing pipeline of algorithms contains camera calibration, background subtraction using GMM (Gaussian Mixture Model), people detection using DPM (Deformable Parts Model), Tracking (Frame to Frame), Event recognition.

We collected several hours of videos which contained security related events like Intrusion to port by different methods (sea, gates, fences), Spying activities from outside the port, robbery or theft, ticketless travelling, restricted zone access, abondon luggage and some abnormal behaviors. The system was modelled and validated for all the above events to be detected and also a live real time demo was done for the completion of the project. All the events from our systems are later sent to project partners for fusion of the data with other sensors data and information from police, internal and external reports, etc., to detect complex security threats (see figure 27 ).

Figure 27. Detection of complex security threats from the tested dataset for Port surveillance
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