STARS - 2014
Overall Objectives
New Software and Platforms
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Overall Objectives
New Software and Platforms
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

Uncertainty Modeling Framework for Constraint-based Event Detection in Vision Systems

Participants : Carlos F. Crispim-Junior, François Brémond.

keywords: description-based activity recognition, uncertainty modeling, vision system, older people

Event detection has advanced significantly in the past decades relying on pixel- and feature-level representations of video-clips. Although effective, those representations have difficulty on incorporating scene semantics. Alternatively, ontology and description-based approaches for event modeling can explicitly embed scene semantics, but the deterministic nature of such languages is susceptible to noise from underlying components of vision systems. We have developed a probabilistic framework to handle uncertainty on our constraint-based ontology framework for event detection. This task spans from elementary scenarios uncertainty handling (from low-level data and event intra-class variance) to complex scenario semantic modeling, where time ordering in between event sub-components and the effect of missing components (for instance, due to miss-detection) plays a significant role.

Preliminary results of this work have been published in [40] , where the presented formalism for elementary event (scenario) uncertainty handling is evaluated on the detection of activities of daily living of participants of the Alzheimer's disease study of Nice hospital using the newest version of our vision system using a RGB-D sensor (Kinect®, Microsoft©) as input. Two evaluations have been carried out: the first one, (a 3-fold cross-validation) focuses on elementary scenario constraint modeling and recognition, and the second one was devoted to complex scenario recognition following a semi-probabilistic approach (n:45).

Table 7 presents the performance of the uncertainty modeling framework on elementary scenario (primitive state) detection for N:10participants;15min.each;Total:150min. The 3-fold cross-validation scheme (n:10 participants) is employed for constraint probabilistic distribution learning and event detection evaluation on 10 RGB-D recordings of participants of the Nice hospital clinical protocol for Alzheimer's disease study. “Crisp” term stands for our deterministic constraint-based ontology language for event modeling. Results are reported as the average performance on the crisp and uncertainty frameworks on the validation sets. Results confirm that the uncertainty modeling improves the detection of elementary scenarios in recall (e.g., In zone phone: 84 to 100 %) and precision indices (e.g., In zone Reading: 54.5 to 85.7%).

Table 7. Framework Performance on Elementary Scenario Detection on a 3-fold-cross-validation scheme
Crisp Uncertainty
IADL Rec. Prec. Rec. Prec.
In zone Pharmacy 100.0 71.4 100 83.3
In zone Phone 84.0 95.45 100.0 100.0
In zone Plant 100.0 81.8 100.0 81.8
In zone Tea 93.3 77.7 93.3 73.7
In zone Read 75.0 54.5 75.0 85.7

Table 8 presents the performance of the proposed framework on Composite Event Detection for N:45participants;15min.each;Total:675min. Here a hybrid strategy is adopted where the uncertainty modeling is used for elementary scenarios and the crisp constraint-based framework is used for composite event modeling. Results show improvement on recall index of event detection performance, but the uncertainty framework performance on precision index is still worse than the crisp approach. The latter performance may be attributed to the crisp constraints that did not have their uncertainty addressed yet.

Table 8. Framework Performance on Composite Event Detection Level
Crisp Uncertainty
IADL Rec. Prec. Rec. Prec.
Talk on Phone 88.76 89.77 88.76 85.86
Preparing Tea/Coffee 81.42 40.36 92.85 55.08
Using Pharmacy Basket 87.75 95.65 89.79 97.77
Watering plant 78.57 84.61 100.0 28.86

Future work will focus on modeling complex scenario constraints such as time ordering and missing components, and on extending the set of low-level uncertainties which are addressed. Moreover, we have been conducting a joint work with partners of Dem@care project to evaluate the uncertainty framework for multiple sensor fusion at decision level. Currently, processed data from different visual modalities (standard RGB, RGBD, and wearable cameras) have been gathered for 17 participants of Nice hospital pilot@lab, and preliminary results are expected for the first semester of 2015.