Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
International Project Grants
USAF Office for Scientific Research – Grant FA8655-13-1-3049
Title: Co-Modeling of Safety-Critical Multi-threaded Embedded Software for Multi-Core Embedded Platforms
International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):
See also:
Abstract: The aim of the USAF OSR Grant FA8655-13-1-3049 is to support collaborative research entitled “Co-Modeling of safety-critical multi-threaded embedded software for multi-core embedded platforms” between Inria project-team ESPRESSO, the VTRL Fermat Laboratory and the TUKL embedded system research group, under the program of the Polycore associate-project.
Inria International Partners
Declared Inria International Partners
The University of Hong Kong
Title: Virtual Prototyping of embedded software architectures
International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):
We collaborate with John Koo at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) and the LIAMA since two years through visiting grants of the Chinese Academy of Science and of the University of Rennes on the topics of heterogeneous time modelling and virtual prototyping. We submitted an ANR project proposal on this topic.
An engineer of SIAT, Riu Li, has developed a pilot project to evaluate Polychrony in the context of virtual prototyping and real-time simulation of automotive systems (the controller of a V6 turbo-charged engine model in LMS (LMS by Siemens )). Our collaboration started in 2011 at the occasion of a joint Summer School on Embedded Systems organised by SIAT and LIAMA at SIAT. John Koo was invited scientist at Inria-Rennes in Summer 2012 and Jean-Pierre Talpin invited at SIAT by the Chinese Academy of Science from December 2012 to August 2013.
The partners submitted a PHC proposal and intend to resubmit a joint project proposal for the ANR-HK international program. A longer term goal of our collaboration is to setup, within the IET, a joint laboratory with Inria, in order to both disseminate formal methods for embedded system design on a specific Master program, and jointly contribute to an open-source system design platform with European and Asian industrial partners which are sponsoring the IET.
Virginia Tech Research Laboratories
International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):
Team TEA collaborates with Sandeep Shukla, Virginia Tech, since 2002. First, in the frame of the NSF-Inria program with Rajesh Gupta, UCSD, until 2004; Inria's associated project BALBOA, until 2007; with the sabbatical of Sandeep Shukla at IRISA in 2008-2009 (funded by Inria-Rennes, the University of Rennes 1, Inria's scientific board); and, from 2011 to 2013, in the context of the associate-project POLYCORE, together with the ESG group at TU Kaiserslautern.
Following up Sandeep's sabbatical, the Fermat Laboratory was awarded a series of research grant by the US Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) to develop a modelling environment based on Polychrony. In this context, Virginia Tech hired a former PhD. of team ESPRESSO, Julien Ouy, to contribute and coordinate this project's work. Since 2013, the scope of our collaboration has extended with the three years grant awarded to team TEA by the USAF Office for Scientific Research (AFOSR).
To date, our fruitful and sustained collaboration has yield the creation of the ACM-IEEE MEMOCODE conference series (ACM-IEEE MEMOCODE conference series. ) in 2003, of the ACM-SIGDA FMGALS workshop series, and of a full-day tutorial at ACM-IEEE DATE'09 on formal methods in system design. We have jointly edited two books with Springer (Formal methods and models for system design, R. Gupta, S. Shukla, J.-P. Talpin, Eds. ISBN 1-4020-8051-4. Springer, 2004.) (Synthesis of embedded systems. S. Shukla, J.-P. Talpin, Eds. ISBN 978-1-4419-6399-4. Springer, 2010), two special issues of the IEEE Transactions on Computers and one of the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, and published more than 30 joint papers in international scientific journals and conferences.
Informal International Partners
Technische Universitaet Kaiserslautern (DE)
We collaborate with Klaus Schneider, leader of the ESG group at Uni. Kaiserslautern, since 2011 in the frame of the POLYCORE associate project. Our aim is to develop a joint, open-source, toolchain based on the Averest (ESG) and POP (TEA) environments. Our collaboration has been quite fruitful with several recent journal publications (Embedding polychrony into synchrony. J. Brandt, M. Gemünde, K. Schneider, S. Shukla, and J.-P. Talpin. In Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE). IEEE, 2012.) (Representation of synchronous, asynchronous, and polychronous components by clocked guarded Actions. J. Brandt, M. Gemünde, K. Schneider, S. Shukla, and J.-P. Talpin. In Design Automation for Embedded Systems (DAES), Special Issue on Languages, Models and Model Based Design for Embedded Systems. Springer, 2012.). Numerous visits and exchanges of personnel between team TEA and the ESG have allowed us to develop ONYX, a cross-compiler between the Averest and POP environments.
Onyx mixes imperative Quartz modules and declarative Signal networks to specify multi-clocked systems. We intend to further its development by the submission of a joint ANR or European project. Our objective is to develop an environment capable of synthesising distributed, loosely synchronised executives from imperative Quartz modules whose schedules are specified by multi-clocked data-flow specifications. A new version of this front-end, developed by Sun Ke, will be integrated in the POP environment.